The Impact of Private 5G and LPWAN – An Interview with WIN Connectivity

Private 5G and LPWAN

BehrTech Blog

The Impact of Private 5G and LPWAN on IoT

An Interview with Tim Dentry, CTO of WIN Connectivity


1. Tell us about WIN Connectivity. What is your focus and vision? What are your solutions? 

WIN Connectivity is a connectivity systems integrator and managed service provider. Specifically, we provide connectivity solutions oriented around IoT use cases that often utilize wireless media for mission accomplishment. For example, we provide in-building and external networking solutions in healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing and logistics, retail, and commercial real estate (smart buildings solutions). Our solutions encompass wired (fiber-to-the-edge) as well as wireless (neutral host carrier 5G, private 5G/cellular and LPWAN connectivity). We engage as either a Design-Build-Transfer model or using our Connectivity-as-a-Service, which is a Design-Build-Operate model that allows enterprises to consume our solution as a recurring operating cost (OpEx) rather than a CapEx model (or a blend of both, as the customer requires). 

2. How do you see the wireless technology landscape today? What are the biggest challenges?

The wireless landscape today is exciting, especially with the advancements of CBRS/private 5G, as well as proliferation of new and better LPWAN solutions such as mioty.  The US FCC making 6GHz available is also very exciting as it allows enterprises to harness more over-the-air power and bandwidth without having to get licensed.  While some might think that cellular wireless and LPWAN are mutually exclusive, they can actually work together to create a powerful IoT architecture.  Each of these solutions can be leveraged to build an overall IoT connectivity solution that ensures IoT adopters are able to realize the success criteria of their use cases.

Ensuring that the cost of the network does not outweigh the benefits of the network solution is one of the biggest challenges in today’s wireless technology landscape. Additionally, understanding the IoT technology itself in addition to connectivity and security, can be difficult and that’s where WIN Connectivity excels.  We make sense of the technology, security and availability requirements that cross multiple groups within an enterprise, whether it is cybersecurity, infrastructure and data governance. 

3. What value does LPWAN bring to IoT deployments?

LPWAN is a tried and true method for connecting IoT devices over long distances and challenging morphology. LPWAN ensures that massive IoT use cases can be realized because of the resilience of the radio systems and the frequency band.  Moreover, while industry experts discuss the IoT implications of cellular, such as 5G mmWave and CBRS, the reality is that the IoT system manufacturers must factor in the cost for a widely deployed IoT sensor to connect to those networks, or the manufacturers themselves must come up to speed.  With LPWAN, device manufacturers and IoT developers can already take advantage of this. If you think of this in the terms of the Gartner Hype Cycle, LPWAN is poised to accelerate out of the Trough of Disillusionment into the Slope of Enlightenment in less than two years, while 5G’s application for IoT is 5-10 years.  Additionally, unlicensed LPWAN does not require carrier/licensed spectrum (NB-IoT, LTE-M, etc) and thus makes it more efficient and affordable for enterprises who want to invest in IoT. 

4. How can LPWAN and 5G work together in Industry 4.0?

As mentioned, LPWAN and 5G, especially private 5G in the CBRS band,  can actually work together to create a powerful IoT architecture. This is particularly true in challenging environments where great distances often mean that a terrestrial backhaul adds additional cost and complexity in order to get LPWAN generated data from the gateway to an edge compute resource or the cloud.  Private 5G provides cost-effective, reliable over-the-air QoS for massive IoT data.   

5. What Industry 4.0 applications would benefit most from a private 5G and LPWAN connectivity solution?

Industry 4.0 applications that blend the concept of critical IoT and massive IoT to achieve business outcomes.  As an example, a manufacturing facility that is incorporating precise indoor localization and asset tracking, work environment monitoring (workplace safety), predictive maintenance for robotics and automation solutions and autonomous entities that require ultra-low latency to make real time decisions from massive amounts of collected data.  One of my favorite application areas for providing a layered connectivity approach using private 5G and LPWAN is connected farming.  Connected farming relies on sensors deployed over a large geographical area, and often these areas are themselves “not connected.”  Private 5G ensures that real-time or critical IoT apps combine, security and safety in growth farms and pastures, as well as inventory control for the upstream, midstream and distribution stages of farming. All of these use cases require a layered, accretive approach to communications.   

6. What are your predictions for advanced wireless networking in the next 3-5 years?

Private 5G will emerge as a natural alternative to enterprise wireless as the ecosystem becomes more compatible with the technology.  Meaning, as more vendors deploy devices with chipsets that natively support private 5G, you will see more deployments at scale.  Costs for the radio systems will drive downward, similar to what has happened with Wi-Fi, and the complexity to deploy these private 5G systems will also simplify and become truly more software-defined.  Finally, I believe that the industry will start to rationalize roaming seamlessly from public to private 5G networks, but this will require a significant amount of coordination in from the carriers and private network providers. 

Private 5G and LPWAN

Tim Dentry

CTO, WIN Connectivity

Tim is the WIN Connectivity CTO, bringing 20+ years of leadership experience in a variety of technology sectors, including Cloud Architecture and Operations, Cybersecurity, Network Infrastructure and Wireless.  His roles have included engineering, design, quality assurance, application development and infrastructure.  Tim has worked in both established communications companies such as MCI and Nokia (Lucent) and has also been a part of multiple early-stage startups such as Edgewater Networks, taking products from the design phase all the way to implementation and ongoing lifecycle management. Tim provides support for the broader WIN team by focusing on key areas such as technology evolution and selection, product development and design, as well as OSS/BSS and back-office solutions. Tim brings to WIN the experience of leveraging cloud infrastructure to deploy WIN’s technology solutions and is responsible for the lifecycle support of all of WIN’s technology offerings including Connectivity-as-a-Service. Tim is proud to have served in the Marine Corps for fourteen years, and is a graduate of Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.



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Get Next-Gen LPWAN with MYTHINGS Wireless Connectivity

The Importance of Data Interoperability: 8 Experts Weigh In

Data Interoperability

The Importance of Data Interoperability: 8 Experts Weigh In


Across all industries, maintaining a competitive advantage requires more than simply finding ways to optimize operations and reduce costs. It’s about being smarter. The chief motivation for adopting IoT technologies is the interconnection of critical data from disparate systems and processes to make more informed and intelligent business decisions.

This week on the blog we’ve asked 8 experts to weigh in on the importance of data interoperability in their industry.

Adam Belnap, VP of Sales & Customer Relations

Data interoperability is extremely important for one simple purpose: growth. The fusion of multiple data points brings huge value for operational insight, power to make educated decisions and to create shared workflows for improved efficiency. Companies that view all of their data as a complete resource for growth, will scale quicker and have a faster ROI on multiple areas of their business.  

Matt Schaubroeck, CEO

There are a number of systems that exist in buildings, and unless we can understand how each of these systems affects the other, we won’t be able to unlock that building’s true potential. Data is only helpful if you are able to use it properly – an interoperable dataset helps to increase the value of that data between multiple systems, the sum of which is greater than each of its parts. That interoperability also helps identify trends in the data that may not have been evident through a single system – multi-variable data analysis can unlock new insights that we are not yet aware of. Any data collection system should take steps to ensure that their information can be easily shared, while maintaining user confidentiality, security and anonymity. That balance between data confidentiality and interoperability will unlock new insights for data-driven solutions, both in buildings and across a wide variety of industries.

Data interoperability in general and between systems is one of the most important must-haves for IoT ecosystems. Without it, exchange, as well as consumption of data with a clear explanation of content, context and meaning, is challenging. This has a major impact on IoT ecosystem providers and end-users. If data interoperability is not sufficient, it will hinder the provider and end-user from reaping all of the benefits that IoT has to offer. It is the foundation of data exchange and data-based decision-making.

Before the time of OMS, meter data was formatted and transmitted in a company-specific way. Thus, there were different protocols and each company had its own formatting. For utilities, this represented a major effort to decode the meter data and bring it to billing. With the introduction of OMS, utilities can now process meter data from a wide variety of meter providers in the same way every time.

In the process of digitalization, this is more necessary than ever, because now the meter data can come to one platform via the most diverse transmission protocols. There, they must be able to be processed in the simplest way. This is only possible if there is a specification that defines the data format.

In this context, there are efforts towards OMS over LPWAN, GSM or Bluetooth. Only the adoption of a specification and standard will lead to the success of these technologies. This also needs to exist in data processing.

Nathan Mah, Cofounder

Data interoperability is a topic that forward-thinking properties are engaging in. In order to fully understand your data and how it can interact together, you must first choose the data sources you need to operate your business efficiently as well as be able to build the foundation of open vendors and integrations. Architecting vendor solutions around a data interoperability strategy is a critical component of any smart building portfolio, but some enterprises are further along in the conversation than others. 

Commercial buildings represent the perfect site of ideal data interoperability; they are physically and geographically finite, the use cases can be tied directly to ROI, and there are not yet extensive regulatory or government requirements to consider when developing a data interoperability strategy. In the future, we expect a “blueprint” of vendors who have well defined data interoperability and share data openly to gain traction in the market as smart buildings continue to scale. Leveraging various sources of data to targeted use cases for buildings, managers, and tenants will increase the overall customer experience and lead to an improved future for all.

Data interoperability via sensors can offer unique insights into the correlated systems. Interoperability shows us how much we can gain when aggregating larger pools of data, such as broader insights, which can allow the user to make broader decisions on informed data. In addition, there is a chance for indirect analysis or insights gained from an unrelated use case. 

Data interoperability is what enables IoT applications to be useful. Data and the decisions that are derived from that data are not isolated to IoT systems. The contents and context of data and what the data analytics provides to the rest of the business is even more important. An IoT application is not an end to a mean. It’s a decision that, paired with other support, enables an organization to actualize broader company strategies from intelligent data sources.

Interoperability of sensors, machines and data services is the key to high user-friendliness and smooth deployment of IoT technologies. Unfortunately, in agricultural applications there is still a very heterogeneous and historically grown system landscape. At Agvolution, we therefore focus on the open and flexible exchange of data. Our IoT technology in particular uses mioty and other open wireless IoT protocols to provide the perfect user experience.


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Smart Water Management: An Interview with Connected Sensors

Water Management

BehrTech Blog

Smart Water Management: Saving Buildings, Saving Money & Saving the Planet

An Interview with Simon Brunet, President of Connected Sensors


Tell us about Connected Sensors? What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

At Connected Sensors our mission is to accelerate the transition to sustainable buildings by delivering innovative technology solutions to all stakeholders of the built environment. Our first and primary objective is to disrupt and innovate the water management sector within the Commercial and Multi-Residential High-Rise markets. We do so by focusing on three pillars: Saving Buildings from costly floods and damages, Saving Money for landlords and condo boards by reducing water and insurance related expenses, and Saving the Planet by reducing our ecological footprint as it relates to our water consumption.

We do so by enabling a variety of IoT sensors along with some powerful software that we’ve built and designed for the sole focus of commercial and industrial applications. 

How does your technology advance on other water management systems?

We’ve identified early on that one of the most attractive elements of this emerging wireless IoT business segment is its ability to deploy hundreds if not thousands of sensors in a short period of time with limited infrastructure changes as we’ve seen in the past. That said, this doesn’t come without its challenges. Battery life span and energy consumption have been some of the common challenges. We are proud to share that we expect to achieve a 10 to 15 year battery life which to our knowledge has yet to be achieved in the PropTech market segment. Beyond the battery life, we feel very strongly that our modular product design and its robustness makes Connected Sensors a very attractive contender when compared to other solutions for the commercial market segment. The modularity of the product enables us to quickly deploy new solutions as we identify opportunities for disruption.

What are the key benefits for consumers and landlords of a water management solution?

If we’re looking at it strictly from a cost perspective, a water management solution has a high return on investment.

First off, you reduce the likelihood of a water loss insurance claim and the subsequent costly insurance deductible. In addition, our solutions can also help increase our clients’ insurability, and can potentially help landlords lower their premiums.

Secondly, you reduce the loss impact from a flood, as well as the downtime to your common elements in the case of a flood.

Third, you improve the valuation of your building by reducing building degradation over time through monitoring and preventing floods.

Other benefits include: improvement of tenant satisfaction by reducing disruptive repairs and downtime, reduction of payroll expenses through monitoring systems, and reduction of operational costs by limiting contractor truck roll as well as improving your water bills through identification of leaks.

What role does water management play in sustainability?

Fresh water is a finite resource. My studies have shown that on average 85% of properties waste 35% of their water consumption by means of leaks. At Connected Sensors we seek to impact this statistic by providing water insight and reducing the quantity and volume of leaks. In addition, when factoring in the flood mitigation system it is worth mentioning that 1 to 2 tonnes of material waste per square meter is produced from demolition due to floods. By mitigating water risk we can in turn reduce the waste that goes into landfill as a result of floods. 

What are the key considerations for implementing a water management system?

The first question one must ask themselves is whether they are looking to reduce water risk and the likelihood of a flood or if they are more so interested in a complete water management system. The second question one must ask themselves is if this system is to be implemented in a retro-fitted property, a new build, or if this is specifically designed for the construction phase. Finally, the other important factor that must be considered is the budget that a company or individual is prepared to spend on such a solution. By answering these three questions we at Connected Sensors will be able to provide a carefully curated suite of options for our clients’ needs.

What are the wireless connectivity requirements for a successful water management solution deployment? Are there any other key network requirements?

When deploying a water management system we often find ourselves deploying hundreds of sensors at a time within a property. It was therefore imperative that we work on a secure LPWAN connection. It is for that reason that we partnered with BehrTech to embed their MYTHINGS wireless connectivity solution into our sensors.

What innovation and growth do you predict for water management in 2021 and beyond?

Smart Water Management is a young but quickly-growing market segment. According to Globe News Wire, the Smart Water Management market is predicted to have a compound annual growth rate of 12%, hitting $19 billion by 2025. We believe that the hard insurance market combined with the finite water resource will stimulate much needed disruption and innovation over the next few years which we are excited to partake in.

Smart Water Management with Simon Brunett

Simon Brunet

President, Connected Sensors

Simon Brunet is the Founder and President of Connected Sensors. Simon pursued and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Ottawa, majoring in finance. Over the past decade, Simon has collaborated and worked in the insurance solutions space.
As a sister company to Connected Sensors, Integricon is a restoration and construction firm that specializes in both insurance and private work. Through Integricon’s emergency restoration book of business, it was identified that water is the greatest cause of loss within the built environment, with 48% of claims caused by water loss. It was this jarring statistic coupled with Simon’s passion for sustainability and strong social consciousness that led to the inception of Connected Sensors.
 Over the past year, Simon has meticulously researched and developed a unique comprehensive solution and driven approach to reducing building risk and managing water. His finance background has given him the tools to create and implement models that deliver a return on investment for all stakeholders, from the insurance company to the property owner and manager. It is Simon’s holistic and conscientious approach to providing water management solutions that has inspired Connected Sensors’ vision to ‘Save Money, Save your Building and Save the Planet’.

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2021 IoT Predictions: 10 Experts Weigh-In

2021 IoT Predictions

2021 IoT Predictions: 10 Experts Weigh-In


One lesson we can take away from 2020: predicting the future is difficult. Factors outside of our control can significantly impact our plans – either propelling us forward, or knocking us off course. Many organizations had to shift their plans in 2020, but nonetheless significant patterns have emerged across IoT and wireless connectivity that can help us gauge what to expect from this industry in 2021. In this blog, we’ve rounded up experts in both commercial and industrial IoT to share their 2021 IoT predictions.

Sam Yang, Managing Director

I’m a firm believer that IoT devices that can provide real tangible benefits via automation will be the future – and thus will succeed in 2021. Take for example a smart TV with IoT features that you can control via an app. You may be able to change channels and control volume with it, but it is still not able to automatically turn it off when the occupant falls asleep on the couch or automatically apply parental controls when only kids are viewing it. IoT sensors that can provide true data that empowers automation without invading privacy (like using cameras) will fire up the IoT market in the near future.

Adam Belnap, VP of Sales & Customer Relations

With 2020 in the rear view mirror, uncertainty remains on what the “new normal” will look like. As we all get used to the restrictions and implementations that are upon us, it is the development of new IoT applications that will give us some encouragement by allowing us to adhere to the provincial and municipal guidelines more efficiently. As well, allowing properties to adapt to the changing requirements that are specific to various COVID-19 affected regions that they might occupy.

One of the most important applications going forward will be the effective use of occupancy sensors and occupancy monitoring.  With the focus on social distancing, and monitoring facility capacities around COVID-19 protocols – occupancy monitoring is going to be something that everyone will grow to rely on in 2021. Knowledge is power, be it for staggered employee scheduling or seating assignment or for capacity counting in stores and restaurants. This allows owners and facility managers to review the information in real-time, so that they are able to make effective decisions and necessary adaptations.  

Additionally, we are seeing a strong push toward the importance of water management and leak detection as a staple in the ownership and management of properties.   Leak detection sensors are an IoT solution that is showing an increase in interest over the last year as insurance cost and deductibles within the built environment continues to increase at a rapid pace. With challenging rent control, rock bottom cap rates and ever increasing expenses involved in managing and owning a property, landlords, property managers and condo boards find themselves in a problematic situation and the risk management of water as an investment is proving to be an important consideration for any portfolio.  

IoT applications in all areas will continue to be important as we progress through the “new normal” into what eventually will be referred to as “normal” again; but driven by technology, efficiency and optimization.

The focus on health and safety across all industries is driving the demand for new IoT solutions. For example, building occupancy has become increasingly important for commercial environments. IoT will be used to gather data on safe occupancy counts as it relates to social distancing in retail, corporate, hospitality and event spaces. This data will also be used to control building access and work space cleaning schedules. Likewise, the demand for indoor air quality monitoring solutions will surge to ensure proper ventilation and reduce the risk of airborne illness transmission.  

Nathan Mah, Cofounder

In 2021, we’ll see a surge in smart building solutions that are able to prove their ROI within 1-2 years, or faster. Fair or not, technology is evaluated on the shortest timelines, and this is no different for the built world. Tenant experience, HVAC, smart cleaning and labour are all critical and you can expect these areas to expand with the best IoT products.

2021 is going to be the year of using IoT to monitor our individual, collective, and environmental health. Once COVID vaccinations allow us to leave our homes, we will still be more cautious about the spaces around us and their effect on our health. Wearable technology can track our personal health indicators, while smart building and smart city tech can help us understand if we are spending time in healthy spaces. With working from home being seen as more viable, there will continue to be a spike in demand for smart home devices. Monitoring our environments and health will better inform our actions, and I expect to see the public and private sectors move next year to make this information more accessible for all.

It’s a really interesting year to be asking this question because of the pandemic and the affects it has had on the IoT and it’s relevance in dominant industries and industries that will increase IoT adoption due to COVID-19. We’ve seen a shift of emphasis over to applications that track, reduce, or eliminate human contact. For Losant, that’s been contact tracing and social distancing applications. My guess is that many companies will have put aside budget for 2021 to reduce the need for workers in densely populated areas like factory lines and warehouses, so we’ll see more companies focusing on manufacturing automation and lone worker scenarios such as remote maintenance workers. There’s also a whole subset of industries that have increased importance in 2021, like cold chain tracking and supply chain in general in wake of the COVID-19 vaccine deployment. As much as we don’t want life in 2021 to be centered around a pandemic, it will be and it will show in IoT.

Aside from pandemic use cases, utilities are really seeing the benefits of IoT use cases as well as addressing consumer demand for connected solutions. More and more organizations want to track energy distribution and consumption and want to implement water flow management, whether those organizations are property holders, energy distributors, or cities themselves.

We are seeing a huge increase in requests around remote monitoring and support tools. Since so many people have been forced to transition to working remotely and being socially distanced, we are all searching for alternatives to having additional people out on plant floors walking around to gather meter readings, head off equipment failures, or complete routine maintenance tasks. IoT products are stepping up to fill in this need, and the growing maturity of applications is now allowing us to do things like re-program PLCs and troubleshoot issues with a technician remotely rather than being physically present. Even as the pandemic subsides this year, I do not think that these applications will go away: there’s too much value in allowing your best technicians and support personnel to work wherever they need to be. 

Within the Oil and Gas industry we see that IoT is going to transform the way much of the field data is gathered & shared. Message based LPWAN will become the preferred method for data acquisition and monitoring. This will rapidly enable new and exciting control, monitoring, AI and overall field systems management capabilities.

In 2021 we expect to see large scale adoption of industrial battery powered LPWAN IoT sensors. This will be in both green and brown field modes of deployment. The advances in IoT device technology will fundamentally change the way temperature, pressure, flow and other simple measurements are obtained & delivered to production and field operations management & control systems. We see stepwise replacement of much of the traditional SCADA infrastructure and enabling data streams  that were just too expensive to employ previously.

The solution services are numerous where these new IoT capabilities will deployed. Production management & optimization, equipment monitoring and secure data for next gen B2B digital transactions, to name but a few.

In addition we see a new generation of very smart but low cost LPWAN IoT asset tracking devices, enabling several new business process management improvements across the  oilfields asset and materials base.

As we’ve seen with the connectivity options for smart buildings, not all wireless technologies are created equal and not all can manage every use case. For this reason, we can also expect to see growth in multiprotocol support. Devices that combine the complementary strengths of different wireless standards and frequencies in one design, increases flexibility, integration and as new IoT use cases rise, makes it feasible for more complex sensor networks to exist.

For example, LPWAN and BLE together provide short-range, inter-device communications with a long-range backhaul to allow the deployment of IoT networks in a significantly broader geographic area. This flexibility is increasingly important as more IoT sensor networks are deployed in far flung, industrial locations like remote oil and gas fields.

In addition, multiprotocol will bridge the gap between existing and new technologies enabling legacy sensors to work in new environments and be deployed in new use cases. In addition to devices, multiprotocol support will also be paramount in the next generation of IoT network and device management solutions.

What are your 2021 IoT predictions?


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Smart Cleaning Technology: An Interview with Mero

Smart Cleaning Technology

Smart Cleaning: Improving Wellness, Sustainability & Efficiency in Smart Buildings

An interview with Nathan Mah, Cofounder of Mero


1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.


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[vcv_posts_grid source=”%7B%22tag%22%3A%22postsGridDataSourcePost%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22post_type%3Dpost%26amp%3Bpost_status%3Dpublish%26amp%3Bposts_per_page%3D5%22%7D” unique_id=”749b58f9″ pagination=”0″ pagination_color=”#ffce00″ pagination_per_page=”10″]PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3RzLWdyaWQtaXRlbSI%2BPGFydGljbGUgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0cy1ncmlkLWl0ZW0taW5uZXJ7e2N1c3RvbV9mZWF0dXJlZF9pbWFnZV9oYXNpbWFnZV9jbGFzc19uZXdzX3Bvc3RfZ3JpZF9pdGVtfX0iPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS10aXRsZS1jb2xvci1iLTMzLTMzLTMzIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1leGNlcnB0LWNvbG9yLWItMzMtMzMtMzMgdmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLWF1dGhvci1jb2xvci1mZmNlMDAgdmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLW1ldGEtY29sb3ItYi0zMy0zMy0zMyI%2BPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLWltYWdlIiBzdHlsZT0iYmFja2dyb3VuZC1pbWFnZTp1cmwoe3tmZWF0dXJlZF9pbWFnZV91cmx9fSkiPjxhIGhyZWY9Int7cG9zdF9wZXJtYWxpbmt9fSI%2BPC9hPjwvZGl2PjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1jb250ZW50Ij48cCBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLW1ldGEiPjxzcGFuPlBvc3RlZCA8L3NwYW4%2BPHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1tZXRhLWRhdGUiPm9uIDx0aW1lIGRhdGV0aW1lPSJ7e3Bvc3RfZGF0ZV9nbXR9fSI%2Be3twb3N0X2RhdGV9fSA8L3RpbWU%2BPC9zcGFuPjwvcD48aDMgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS10aXRsZSI%2BPGEgaHJlZj0ie3twb3N0X3Blcm1hbGlua319Ij57e3Bvc3RfdGl0bGV9fTwvYT48L2gzPnt7c2ltcGxlX3Bvc3RfZGVzY3JpcHRpb25fZXhjZXJwdH19PC9kaXY%2BPC9kaXY%2BPC9hcnRpY2xlPjwvZGl2Pg%3D%3D[/vcv_posts_grid]

Smart Cleaning Technology from Device to Dashboard

Indoor Environmental Quality: An Interview with ioAirflow

Indoor Environmental Quality

BehrTech Blog

Indoor Environmental Quality: Motivation, Challenges & Requirements

An interview with Matt Schaubroeck, Cofounder & CEO, ioAirflow


Over the last decade, architects and engineers have been working to educate owners and developers on the wellness impacts of sustainable building design approaches in creating healthier and more productive lives for their occupants. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that these wellness considerations are no longer a mere value-add to a building, but rather a necessary element in allowing larger groups to safely reoccupy a space. In this blog, we interview Matt Schaubroeck, Cofounder and CEO of ioAirFlow, to discuss the role of indoor environmental quality monitoring in the era of “healthy buildings” and the key considerations for implementing a successful solution.

Tell us about ioAirflow. What are your products and vision, who are your customers?

ioAirFlow wants to make commercial buildings healthier, for both people and the environment. To achieve this, we are creating a digital audit platform that provides faster, cheaper, and more accurate energy reports for commercial buildings.

Our solution will be used by companies that are already offering energy audits, or by building managers interested in running quick diagnostics on their building’s health and efficiency performance.

We are not a permanent automation installation – we are a digital audit platform. Other companies using this type of technology focus on permanent installations and/or active building control regimes, which are often cost-prohibitive and difficult to maintain for the majority of building owners.

Traditional energy audits are manual, time-consuming and expensive. By using the MYTHINGS platform, we can reliably and securely collect data by placing sensors anywhere in a building. In combination with our machine learning model, we will be able to provide more accurate diagnostics than any manual audit.

How do you see the role of IoT today in the smart building industry? What are the key drivers behind it?

IoT is revolutionizing the way we interact with built environments. This will be a key tool in improving building performance and helping us meet global climate change targets.

This technology application is a game-changer for understanding how buildings really operate. There is a general frustration with the archaic manual building audit process, which is too labour-intensive and cost-prohibitive to serve a large portion of the building market. By creating a digital audit solution, ioAirFlow is able to reduce the cost of testing enough that a building audit becomes financially viable for what we call ‘Class C’ buildings – older stock with no onsite energy management technology.

Finally, IoT changes the way we collect data. Conventional building monitoring software needs to be plugged or wired into mechanical systems, which limits their placement and how much building data can be collected. Think of it as the difference between an X-ray and a MRI – an MRI might find a problem an X-ray can’t find, because it’s looking at the problem with different tools and a different lens.

What is the relationship between indoor environmental quality and sustainability? How will property owners and managers benefit from implementing an IEQ monitoring solution?

Buildings (including materials and construction) account for 39% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. According to the United Nations, the built environment’s energy intensity will have to improve by 30% by 2030 to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Improving the IEQ of buildings is a critical component to fighting climate change.

Most commercial buildings can increase their energy efficiency by up to 50% and save thousands of dollars monthly by investing in green building retrofits. But, most buildings owners are unaware of the problems that exist in their building. They can’t fix what they don’t know exists.

IEQ monitoring can identify many of these issues using big data analysis. Using MyThings sensors, ioAirFlow is able to test the effectiveness of a building’s HVAC system, envelope, controls systems, or a building’s overall comfort levels and efficiency. With this information, we’re more equipped to make actionable recommendations on how to solve those problems. That informed decision-making process helps building managers understand how they can increase their building’s health.

What constitutes “building health” and how does it impact the health and wellness of building occupants? How do you see this changing in the wake of Covid-19?

Building health can mean two separate things – how environmentally sustainable the building’s infrastructure is, and how healthy the environment is for the people living and working inside it. A healthier building is better for your bottom line, for the people in that building, and for the environment.

The IEQ of a building is directly related to the health, productivity and satisfaction of its occupants. Buildings with poor indoor environmental quality cost the global economy billions of dollars every year, due to illness and productivity loss. In addition, those buildings are consuming more energy, releasing more GHG emissions into the atmosphere.

COVID-19 has put an unprecedented spotlight on building health. As people adjust to the reality of the pandemic, IEQ and building health are becoming priorities for building owners and managers. That includes finding ways to make our indoor environments healthier including ensuring adequate ventilation, airflow, and mechanical systems.

What are the challenges or hesitations CRE companies have when implementing an IEQ solution?

The main barriers to implementing IEQ solutions are knowledge and cost.

Unless you have on-site expertise or management software, you likely don’t know all the ways your building is losing efficiency. Buildings are complex and deteriorate over time, experiencing a large number of efficiency problems – no building is immune from this efficiency degradation. If you don’t know what to look for, you won’t know how to start implementing solutions. Even permanent building management software won’t be able to pinpoint every problem that exists in a building.

The financial barrier mostly has to do with sticker shock on the up-front costs of some IEQ solutions. Many buildings operate in a way to maximize revenue above all else – so if it’s not broken, it doesn’t need to be fixed or improved. In those circumstances, paying for an efficiency retrofit can be a tough sell. That’s a mindset we have to change.

Healthy building is good for your bottom line. If you consume less energy, you’re paying reduced utility bills. There is a strong business case that your return on investment will improve with every IEQ solution you implement – what we need to create are solutions that are less capital-intensive.

That financial barrier is why ioAirFlow hasn’t developed a solution to be permanently installed onsite. You don’t necessarily need data being collected 24/7 to identify your IEQ gaps – our platform can figure it out in a matter of weeks. Because you don’t need to buy our sensors to have a test done, the cost of that test suddenly becomes much more affordable.

What does an IEQ monitoring architecture look like? What are the wireless connectivity requirements in this context?

The most common indoor environmental quality monitoring architecture in today’s market is building management or automation software. Those include smart thermostats, automated zone monitoring and control, and some other fascinating technologies. The problem with this architecture is its installation cost – nearly all building management architecture requires a constant power source. That might mean rewiring your entire building. That can be a non-starter from a financial perspective.

Wireless solutions do exist, but face serious problems in a commercial setting. Systems that use Wi-Fi or BLE solutions will either require a mesh network, or integration with the building’s existing IT infrastructure. These can both pose a security risk – as evidenced by the hacked HVAC system at Target in 2014.

These solutions are sometimes just not realistic for many buildings – particularly for Class C buildings who are often more limited on available cashflow. That’s where a scalable and affordable IoT platform like MYTHINGS can provide a solution. With reliable long-range signal strength, we’re able to easily place sensors in any built environment to collect the data we need to run our analysis.

What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

Demand for smart and green building solutions is growing quickly. Cleantech is one of the fastest-growing tech industries today, with an expected market cap of $2.5 trillion USD by 2022. Alongside this, the global market for energy retrofit expenditures in commercial buildings is expected to reach $384.5 billion in 2020.

Smart buildings play a key role in helping buildings go greener. A smart building collects more data, allowing for more informed decision-making on how to reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint in that space. COVID-19 will likely spur development in this space as we try to make our buildings safer and healthier.

The 2020 trend of working from home has had a crippling impact on global commercial real estate, and the industry has to look for novel solutions to attract back tenants. The best thing a building operator could do is to prove that their building is safe and healthy. A smart building is the best tool for identifying what steps need to be taken to achieve a building’s IEQ potential.

Indoor Environmental Quality - Matt Schaubroeck

Matt Schaubroeck

Co-founder and CEO, ioAirFlow

Matt Schaubroeck is co-founder and CEO of ioAirFlow, a Winnipeg-based environmental proptech startup. He has been working in the smart building sector since 2016, as part of a MBA research project that grew into the company he now leads. Matt has also served as the Director of Programming for the North Forge technology incubator in Winnipeg, with a focus on commercialization strategies for early-stage tech companies.

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[vcv_posts_grid source=”%7B%22tag%22%3A%22postsGridDataSourcePost%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22post_type%3Dpost%26amp%3Bpost_status%3Dpublish%26amp%3Bposts_per_page%3D5%22%7D” unique_id=”9f3c592d” pagination=”0″ pagination_color=”#ffce00″ pagination_per_page=”10″]PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3RzLWdyaWQtaXRlbSI%2BPGFydGljbGUgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0cy1ncmlkLWl0ZW0taW5uZXJ7e2N1c3RvbV9mZWF0dXJlZF9pbWFnZV9oYXNpbWFnZV9jbGFzc19uZXdzX3Bvc3RfZ3JpZF9pdGVtfX0iPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS10aXRsZS1jb2xvci0wMDMyNTQgdmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLWV4Y2VycHQtY29sb3ItNGU0ZTRlIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1hdXRob3ItY29sb3ItZmZjZTAwIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1tZXRhLWNvbG9yLWItMzMtMzMtMzMiPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1pbWFnZSIgc3R5bGU9ImJhY2tncm91bmQtaW1hZ2U6dXJsKHt7ZmVhdHVyZWRfaW1hZ2VfdXJsfX0pIj48YSBocmVmPSJ7e3Bvc3RfcGVybWFsaW5rfX0iPjwvYT48L2Rpdj48ZGl2IGNsYXNzPSJ2Y2UtcG9zdC1kZXNjcmlwdGlvbi0tY29udGVudCI%2BPHAgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1tZXRhIj48c3Bhbj5Qb3N0ZWQgPC9zcGFuPjxzcGFuIGNsYXNzPSJ2Y2UtcG9zdC1kZXNjcmlwdGlvbi0tbWV0YS1kYXRlIj5vbiA8dGltZSBkYXRldGltZT0ie3twb3N0X2RhdGVfZ210fX0iPnt7cG9zdF9kYXRlfX0gPC90aW1lPjwvc3Bhbj48L3A%2BPGgzIGNsYXNzPSJ2Y2UtcG9zdC1kZXNjcmlwdGlvbi0tdGl0bGUiPjxhIGhyZWY9Int7cG9zdF9wZXJtYWxpbmt9fSI%2Be3twb3N0X3RpdGxlfX08L2E%2BPC9oMz57e3NpbXBsZV9wb3N0X2Rlc2NyaXB0aW9uX2V4Y2VycHR9fTwvZGl2PjwvZGl2PjwvYXJ0aWNsZT48L2Rpdj4%3D[/vcv_posts_grid]

Build an End-to-End IEQ Network with MYTHINGS

IoT Data Lakes: Driving Operational Efficiency in Smart Buildings – An Interview with PremiseHQ

IoT Data Lakes

BehrTech Blog

IoT Data Lakes: Driving Operational Efficiency in Smart Buildings

An interview with Rafi Dowla, Cofounder & CTO of PremiseHQ


1. Tell us about PremiseHQ. What is your focus and vision in the smart building space?

PremiseHQ was founded to help with bite sized digital transformation by breaking down the silos introduced by fragmented technology and vendor ecosystems that exist today. A single IoT data lake strategy provides real-estate stakeholders with critical information from a variety of sources, anytime, anywhere. Operations, Leasing and Asset Management functions all need to make informed decisions. Currently, much of this information is coming from siloed and proprietary vendors, sensors and internal systems. PremiseHQ provides a single pane of glass showing integrated and consolidated information. Our focus and vision in the smart building space is to provide the platform that forms the connective tissue between the various data sources and the users who consume this information.

2. How do you define a IoT data lake and its role in a smart building architecture?

The connected and consolidated IoT data lake plays a pivotal key role in smart building architecture.  For a smart building to truly function efficiently and effectively, data cannot be all  centrally aggregated. It needs to be normalized, standardized and connected in a distributed nature so that it can be used in multiple applications.  A variety of delivery methods can be used to pull, push and connect data into the IoT data lake.

3. Do you have any use cases on how data lakes improve workflow efficiency and decision-making in commercial buildings?

Water leak detection is a great use case to demonstrate the workflow efficiency created from IoT data lakes.  Since the Roman times of indoor plumbing, water leaks have created headaches and large insurance claims for building managers. With a connected IoT data lake, the damage and impact from a water leak can be mitigated early on. When a leak detection sensor is triggered from a water flow, this information can be immediately relayed to on-duty building operations staff. Workflow logic can be built in so that if another adjacent sensor is triggered, water flow is automatically turned off with the sensor’s actuator.  A delay could also be built into the workflow to allow the operator to see if there’s a reason why a sensor has been triggered. If the flow is large enough, the data lake would have information about the restoration, cleaning and plumbing companies assigned to that building and automatically create a work order and dispatch crews to respond.  If the location had a hazardous materials inspection done, the information would be retrieved from the data lake and included on the work order so that the appropriate technicians would be made aware of hazardous material in the area.  Additional workflows would simultaneously create notifications to the impacted tenants on the floor of the leak as well as ones below. Other alerts can also be created for building staff and management and even the insurance carrier in case a claim is initiated for water damage.  In this case, a data lake and its associated workflows have multiple automated steps that occur in real-time so operations staff can respond quickly and prevent or minimize any damage or corresponding issues.

4. How can the PremiseHQ platform be integrated with cross-vendor data sources, including IoT sensor data?

This is where the PremiseHQ platform excels. Many IoT sensor companies will provide a portal for viewing data and consumption.  If you only have one set of sensor data this could work, but when you have data coming from occupancy, IEQ, lighting, washroom consumables etc., then the building owners and operators are forced to view multiple locations and have to manipulate the data to make operational decisions. The PremiseHQ platform can collect data from various IoT sensors through API, MQTT, Socket or other transfer methods. The platform can then deliver this data in a user-friendly format that is relevant to their job function. They can overlay multiple sensor data in one view and take required action to improve building performance or occupant comfort and safety. Cross connection and pollination of data makes a plethora of use cases possible that is unimaginable with data from a single sensor.

5. What do you think are the major pitfalls to avoid in a smart building implementation?

Many smart building implementations go off the rails because of scope creep or trying to accomplish too much at once. The best smart building projects look at a handful of key objectives that will have rapid measurable results.  By selecting key use cases that solve high value building challenges, you can obtain early ROI success and the overall project will build momentum from all the various participants and fuel future successes. 

6. What are key considerations for owners to ensure the long-term success of their smart building project?

Owners should ensure that they select partners that have a proven track record of working well with others.  As each smart building is unique, so will be the solution and mix of vendors, sensors companies and software partners.  We cannot anticipate what future solutions may look like, so having a flexible and agile platform will allow for future growth and new integrations.

IoT Data Lakes - Interview with Rafi Dowla

Rafi Dowla

Cofounder & CTO, PremiseHQ

Rafi is a serial entrepreneur with 15 years of international experience in innovation, technology and cloud strategy. Consulted and provided strategic solutions to fortune 500 companies both in the United States and Canada. With that knowledge and experience created an Agile and Cloud first bigdata and cloud platform that enables businesses to get off the ground faster and be nimble enough to adopt changes incredibly fast. Actively contributed to Open Source community, member of Angel Investor groups in Toronto. Specialty: Real estate solution, Cross-platform Solution Architecture, System Analysis, Business Analysis, Project management, IoT, Smart and Digital Building Platforms, Data Lake and Deep Learning / Machine Learning / AI. 

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Build a smart and scalable architecture with MYTHINGS

How IoT Occupancy Sensors Elevate Tenant Wellbeing – An Interview with Xandar Kardian

Occupancy Sensors

BehrTech Blog

IoT Occupancy Sensors: How CRE Companies Can Elevate Tenant Wellbeing

An interview with Sam Yang, Managing Director, Xandar Kardian


Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the focus on tenant comfort and wellbeing had taken the spotlight in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector in recent years. Realizing that people are the greatest asset in the built environment, companies and owners have turned to IoT and smart building technology to enable a healthy, comfortable and productive environment. Now, the pandemic is rapidly expediting this trend on a global scale. This week on the blog we interview Sam Yang, Managing Director and Cofounder of Xandar Kardian, to share how CRE companies are leveraging IoT occupancy sensors to improve health and wellness. 

[bctt tweet=”From elevators and lobbies to individual desks and public bathrooms, IoT occupancy sensors are revolutionizing health and wellness in smart buildings.”]

1. Tell us about Xandar Kardian. What is your focus and vision in the smart building space?

Michelin 3-star dishes starts with incredibly fresh and high-quality ingredients before chefs start working up their magic with spices and sauces. In the same way, Xandar Kardian believes that all smart building “solutions” must start with the most accurate, reliable, and real-time data before analytics and conclusions are derived from it. That is our focus. Making sure that true presence detection is obtained via human vital sign rather than heat sources or large motions. Occupancy (people) counting is also done by body motion index rather than complicated computer vision processing that are limited to doorways and environmental factors.

2. How do see the changing commercial real estate (CRE) landscape in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?

In the pre-COVID-19 era, true 99.9% human presence sensing may have been considered overkill by some. However, in recent months, we have seen a rise in demand for true occupancy as false vacancy can create increased disinfection costs. For example, most room or desk occupancy sensors still uses PIR motion technology to detect presence. The problem with these sensors is that they are triggered easily. They are not able to truly detect vacancy if the occupant does not make a large motion. Due to this limitation, 15 or 30-minute timers are placed to keep the space “occupied” with the assumption that the occupant will make a large motion at least once during that time. If however, someone enters a room (or desk) for two seconds (triggering the sensor) and leaves right away, lights and HVAC will start running for 30 minutes while an alert is sent to janitorial services to come and disinfect the area. With Xandar Kardian, vacancy is detected within seconds since it is continuously scanning for human vital signs in each space. This means that true detection, vacancy and dwell time are obtained.

This is just one example of how we are seeing CRE companies take another look at the accuracy of occupancy sensing – not just in detecting occupancy but also in detecting vacancy.

3. Tell us about the different IoT occupancy sensors Xandar Kardian offers.

Room / Open Space Presence Detection:  One sensor can cover up to 600 sq. ft of space. The sensor can be placed anywhere – walls, pillars, ceilings or even behind ceiling panels, making it 100% discrete. It continuously sends out safe low-RF signals to obtain vital signs (micro-vibrations) from human occupants, making it a 99.9% accurate occupancy and vacancy.

Desk Occupancy Sensor:  Small USB-C or battery driven sensors are placed underneath the desks. This sensor detects presence over a short range (4-6 feet) via breathing pattern detection from the occupant. This sensor can also be used on top of individual toilet stalls to get individual stall occupancy sensing within bathrooms.

In/Out Occupancy Foot Traffic Counting:  Installed over doorways, our In/Out counting solution is highly accurate (90+%) and is not affected by temperature, humidity or lighting conditions. This makes the system the most reliable system on the market and can be used in main entrance/exit doors of a building.

 IoT Occupancy Sensing-Foot Traffic Counting

Zone People Counting:  This is a unique, globally exclusive solution by Xandar Kardian. It scans an area (up to 600 sq.ft) continuously for body motion. Occupants can even be sitting down or standing still. This sensor can be installed anywhere – including on a side of a wall, which makes it ideal to be able to count occupancy in large shopping malls or airports where ceilings are very high. In meeting rooms or classroom settings, zone counting sensors can be combined with In/Out counting to get accurate counting but also to correct miss counts by scanning the entire zone. Miss counts can “lock up” rooms as even 1 miss count leaving the space can falsely claim the room is still occupied.

4. What role can IoT occupancy sensors play in CRE companies’ initiatives to safeguard tenant health and comfort following business reopening?

Density management and controlled disinfection protocols are extremely important to safeguard tenant’s health and comfort. At the same time, these sensors need to be affordable enough to be used building wide.

Ground floor: Building entrances require In/Out counting to get real-time total building occupancy measurements. Many camera-based systems require physical maintenance and consume more operating costs. It is also affected by changing environmental and lighting conditions throughout the day. Our solutions are not affected by these conditions at all and is ideal for main entrance counting.

Elevators & Elevator lobbies:
Many CRE operators have voiced their concern over elevator and elevator lobby density control measures. Any type of cameras, including IR based ones simply cannot be used to count occupancy inside elevators. Elevators have glasses or stainless-steel walls to help ease claustrophobic conditions. These walls however cause havoc to camera (image) based systems due to image reflections. For elevator lobbies, since all cameras or IR based systems count occupancy via “doors” only, you would need multiple sensors as each elevator represents a door. Miss-counts can also occur which can start stacking occupancy counts throughout the day. With Xandar Kardian, you would only need to place 1 sensor per elevator or elevator lobby on each floor to get the full count. Continuous counting without any counting errors.

Public bathrooms:
Having a camera installed above bathroom doors will not be widely accepted by many tenants. Our sensors have no holes and is designed to look like a network hub. When combined with a zone counting solution, you will also get auto-correction for potential miss counts (in/out) and ensure vacancy status. Real-time bathroom occupancy,  including bathroom stalls, can be displayed outside via a wall-mounted display.

5. Do occupancy sensors help to improve other aspects of building operations as well? If so, how?

Prior to COVID-19, our solutions were being deployed into airports and banks for security purposes while shopping malls and office buildings were using it for space utilization and energy saving benefits. In fact, on energy savings, a pilot run on a 24,000 sq. ft office space in Toronto revealed savings of $14,000 per floor per year using Xandar Kardian solutions.

6. What are the key connectivity requirements for occupancy sensors in smart buildings?

Our solutions were originally running on POE / Wi-Fi connection while conducting various pilots around the world. However, for building-wide deployments, it was imperative that we work on secure LPWAN connection. Therefore we partnered with BehrTech to embed their MYTHINGS wireless connectivity solution into our sensors.

7. With so much data being harvested, how can we make sure tenants’ privacy is not compromised?

Xandar Kardian exclusively uses radar sensors only. With radar sensor, it is not possible to individually identify anyone. Many competitors use some sort of images – either 3D vision, mono-vision or IR thermal vision. To ensure tenant’s privacy, expensive base servers are required to conduct on-premise image processing before sending data to the cloud. We do not require this step as it does all processing on the edge using an MCU on board. This also means that Xandar Kardian solutions can be complete off-grid and only feed occupancy data via a closed loop network on premise. “Presence detection via vital sign” have raised questions about privacy concerns in the past. However, unless specifically requested by the tenant, we do not collect or record any vital sign data. It just gets “0” or “1” for occupancy and vacancy.

8. Beyond the current pandemic, what should companies consider in their smart building strategy moving forward?

“Health & Wellness” has become extremely important for everyone around the world. In fact, stress & fatigue monitoring of occupants can help automate fresh air intake, HVAC temperature control and lighting controls to promote a better, more efficient work environment. Xandar Kardian is currently pending FDA 510(k) clearance for its non-contact, continuous and automatic vital sign monitoring solution. Although this has been developed exclusively for hospitals and senior nursing homes, it can also be used in any work environments to obtain health and wellness conditions for the occupants.

Occupancy Sensors

Sam Yang

Managing Director & Cofounder, Xandar

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Build an End-to-End Occupancy Sensing Network with MYTHINGS

The Key Building Blocks of a Smart Building Architecture – An Interview with Andorix

Smart building architecture

BehrTech Blog

The Key Buildings Blocks of a Smart Building Architecture

An Interview with Wayne Kim (CEO) and Shaul Swartz (COO & EVP) at Andorix


With the promise to enhance building operations, reduce costs and improve tenant heath and wellness, commercial real-estate companies are increasingly eager to invest in smart building transformation. In fact, the smart building market is projected to grow to US$105.8 billion by 2024, a drastic increase from the US$60.7 billion in 2019.  However, being in the early stages of adoption, most commercial buildings lack the digital foundation for this transformation. This week on the blog, we interview Andorix, an expert in smart building readiness and infrastructure solutions, to share key considerations when deploying a smart building architecture.

[bctt tweet=”A unifed smart building infrastructure is essential for realizing the benefits of big data.”]

What are the fundamental building blocks of a smart building architecture?

Wayne: Over the last five years, Andorix has been investigating building transformation in the real estate industry. In this time, we have seen CRE owner/operators shift their focus to big data, data analytics and a data lake that can be derived from in-building information in hopes of improving operational efficiencies and reducing operating costs. However, what’s missing is the ability to access and collect this data which is a fundamental component of a smart building architecture. As a result, we identified three building blocks to build a technology-agnostic, future-proof in-building network infrastructure platform that would allow us to reliably collect data today and in the future.

The technology stack of the Andorix network infrastructure platform incorporates:

  • A fiber-centric backbone network that delivers high-throughput data transfer needed to support traditional building automation systems. Here, we deploy a fiber-based Passive Optical Network (PON), as this inherently comes with a much lower TCO and a longer refresh cycle compared to current active network integrations.
  • A distributed antenna system integrating current cellular, future 5G and traditional Wi-Fi networks to enable high-speed wireless communications in large, multi-story commercial buildings.
  • To support IoT-driven building transformation that enables the creation of workspaces, Andorix is deploying a Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) to connect this newer breed of sensors and devices.

With these multiple technologies supporting a unified infrastructure, we enable the collection of data from various sources across buildings and campuses which can then be streamed into any analytics platforms to enhance building operations.

Why is LPWAN the right solution for the IoT layer in a smart building architecture?

Shaul: Low-power wide area networks (LPWAN), or more specifically MYTHINGS, allows us to bring IoT into the building at a much larger scale than any other LPWAN technology. The challenge with traditional building systems – be it BAS, access control, lighting, or fire alarm – is that they are all physically wired up. So, if you’re going to put in 1000 smart leak detectors that are not originally part of the building control systems, you need to wire them all into the building. This is very expensive and impractical. The other option is that you might deploy other wireless technologies, however these typically require multiple access points and/or base stations, cannot transfer the data payload due to over air message size limitations, and in some scenarios, requires permission to be deployed within tenant spaces.

MYTHINGS provides an extensive and reliable network coverage, unlike any traditional technologies. With only a single base station and antenna installation we are able to cover an entire building and add IoT functionality at scale and a very low cost. A single implementation can enable the connection of thousands of smart sensors per premise to bring about the digital enablement capability and realize our customers smart building vision.

How does an LPWAN-enabled IoT network interplay with traditional building systems in a smart building architecture?

Wayne: If we look at a smart building architecture, an IoT network of smart devices constitutes what we call a “digital enablement system.” Typically, IoT sensor data is aggregated using LPWAN and fed into a central smart building platform that comes with built-in AI and machine learning algorithms. This platform then uses the digital data as feedback to generate actionable events and regulate existing building systems. Ultimately, we have a closed-loop system to manage all building functions from a single pane of glass and enable innovative end-user applications.

Shaul: As an example, I’d like to tell a story about the future vision we aim to create with this smart building architecture. So, imagine Amanda is the CEO of company X who is coming to the office on a Saturday to finish an urgent project. As she logs a “coming in” message into the mobile app of her office building, her workspace is automatically set up according to her environment preferences in terms of lighting, temperature, or air quality. When she gets into the building, the elevator has been waiting for her and lighting enabled on the path she needs to take to her office room.

This end game vision is what we want to achieve with a converged building network that aggregates and merges IoT sensor data with legacy building systems to enable new levels of command and control.

What are the top challenges you see companies face when deploying smart buildings?

Wayne: Besides the capital investment in developing and rolling out the network infrastructure we have mentioned, the biggest challenge companies will face is the integration of legacy building automation systems into the smart building platform. These systems have been implemented with minimal interconnection in mind and thus operate as individual silos that don’t interact with each other. The integration cost of these systems in large-scale commercial buildings will likely mount up to hundreds of thousands of dollars if not done properly.

For CRE companies or property owners looking to deploy smart buildings, what advice do you have to help them get started?

Shaul: Anyone starting down the path of smart building deployment must begin with a very clear vision of what they want to achieve. Only then can they identify the building blocks that must be pieced together to get to this vision.

Wayne: And especially for CRE companies whose product is the building space, this vision should be based on how they want to position themselves in the market and differentiate their offering from the competition. This lays the foundation for the smart building strategy to determine the benefits they want to reap from the deployment and the outcome they are aiming towards. Equally important, CRE companies should have one or two key technology partners who fully understand their vision and are able to help them to attain this goal.

How do you think the smart building market will evolve in 2020 and beyond? What are the top trends to watch?

Shaul: Smart building is a significant growth market right now, and we foresee a drastic uptake in the upcoming years, as more CRE companies look to optimize the environment where their tenants are living and working. Having said that, we are currently in the first stage of adoption, and most commercial buildings lack the digital foundation for this transformation. Building owners now realize the need to focus on digital engineering to bring together the key enabling technologies that allow them to harness smart building values.

Wayne: To add to that, I believe the smart building market will also become increasingly tenant centric. Traditional workplaces will transform into responsive, constantly evolving smart spaces that are defined by the company’s characteristics and its culture. It has been projected that billions of connected devices will be deployed in the next few years to measure every aspect of the tenant’s space. And, this massive sensor data will be leveraged to deliver personalized environments that cater to the individual needs of tenants and building employees.

To catch up with this trend, CRE companies must work on a viable converged infrastructure that can interconnect all building systems and IoT data to proactively respond to tenants’ requirements and future requests.


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Start Your Smart Building Architecture with MYTHINGS Wireless Connectivity

Drive Precision Agriculture with IoT Soil Monitoring (Interview with Agvolution)

Precision agriculture - IoT Soil Monitoring

BehrTech Blog

How IoT Soil Monitoring Is Driving Precision Agriculture

An Interview with Dr. Munir Hoffmann & Andreas Heckmann from AGVOLUTION GmbH


Faced with tough challenges of exploding world population, dwindling arable lands and natural resources, alongside growing extreme climate events, the agriculture sector is under undue pressure. In a quest to improve yields while minimizing resource usage, global farmers are turning to the Internet of Things (IoT) and precision agriculture practices. This week, Dr. Munir Hoffman and Andreas Heckmann from AGVOLUTION give the inside scoop on how intelligent solutions like real-time IoT soil monitoring are driving farming efficiency to help combat industry-wide challenges.

[bctt tweet=”In a quest to improve yields and minimize resource usage, global farmers are turning to the Internet of Things (IoT) and precision farming practices.”]

1. Tell us about AGVOLUTION. What are your products and vision, who are your customers?

The objective of AGVOLUTION is the global development, manufacturing and sale of our two core products: first, an energy self-sufficient IoT wireless sensor network named CLIMAVI, which measures soil water and temperature at various depths together with temperature, precipitation and relative humidity aboveground (wind speed is optional); and second, FARMALYZER, a digitized and process-based farm management intelligence solution based on our CLIMAVI data as well as satellite, ground and machine data. FARMALYZER offers customer-specific decision support for long-term agricultural sustainability and higher profitability under increasing climate risk.

Through these products, AGVOLUTION turns Climate-Smart-Agriculture (CSA) vision into real-world farming practices. Our customers are growers of various types (arable, tree nurseries, plantations, horticulture), as well as agricultural advisories and other players in the farming supply chain like seed producers and fertilizer companies. We provide a transparent presentation of the economic cost of each crop management activity, accounting for resource consumption like CO2, to enable input savings of up to 40% on resources like nitrogen, biocides, growth regulator, fuel and water, based on site-specific economic and ecological optimization (per 10 m2).

2. What challenges are facing the agricultural sector today?

Providing sufficient food, plant-based products and fuel for the growing world population is a key challenge in the farming sector, particularly under climate change. For instance, although Germany is known for its stable climate, in 2018 up to 100% yield losses were observed for specific fields. This demonstrates that agriculture has already been severely affected by increasing climate extremes.

Simultaneously, with its “Farm to Fork” strategy, the European Union set the ambitious target to cut CO2 equivalents emissions to half by 2030 – compared to the 1990 level. Likewise, we will face a shrinking resource base in terms of phosphorous and fossil fuels. The Climate-Smart-Agriculture (CSA) approach that adapts farming practices to rising climate extremes while mitigating negative agricultural impacts on the climate, is proposed as the pivotal strategy.

Also Recommended for You: Smart Farming – 5 Ways IoT Helps Us Tackle Global Food Challenges

3. How do you see the role of IoT and precision agriculture in combatting these challenges?

The worldwide AgTech market growing dynamically at 12.8% CAGR and expected to reach around $ 5.5 billion by 2021 (Roland Berger, 2019), might play a key role. Farm activities could produce around 100,000 data points per hectare by merging data sources and using new technologies such as IoT. However, this data needs to be translated into actionable knowledge for farmers to enable stable and respectively higher yields with fewer resources like fertilizer, water and energy per ha. Ultimately, this results in higher profitability and long-term sustainability amidst the growing pressure from climate change.

4. Why is continuous soil monitoring important? In what ways can farmers improve farming efficiency and crop yield with soil data?

The plant growth is largely constrained by water and nutrients, both of which are largely determined by soil processes. Understanding the supply of these resources is critical to managing soil-plant systems, thus optimizing plant growth and minimizing resource waste. Our sensors monitor soil moisture at different depths, which allows for the assessment of total soil water supply. Combing this information with data on soil temperature and other soil properties, we can then model nutrient supply.

In addition, our sensors measure aboveground micro-climate which together with satellite data, is then fed into our in-house AI hybrid model to quantify resource demand. The difference between supply and demand evaluated in economic terms provides the basis for in-season management recommendations.
It’s worth noting that under climate extremes, plants make use of subsoil resources which can only be assessed by soil sensors.

5. Why is there a need for wireless IoT sensors to gather microclimate and soil data?

The weather and especially the microclimate of each field site have a huge impact on the yield and crop production efficiency. Just think about abiotic risks like drought and nutrient availability or biotic risks like plant diseases. All these risks are linked to the microclimatic conditions in the soil and the plant canopy. These conditions are changing rapidly throughout the season and on each field site. Specifically, in horticultural and orchards you want to achieve the optimal quality for consumers and need to know the critical parameters as soon as possible.

If you want to establish those prediction systems and resource-saving decision support, you need an autonomous monitoring system that helps you to identify potential risks and their impact on the yield and quality at each field site. These risks can only be identified by soil sensors, as they are able to provide essential information on determining resource availability for plant growth such as water. Hence, IoT solutions like our CLIMAVI microclimate sensors are paramount for a climate-smart farming system.

6. What are the wireless connectivity requirements in this context?

Wireless sensor networks in rural agriculture need to be energy self-sufficient and require little maintenance. In addition, cellular connectivity is often absent on arable land. As such, Low Power Wide Areas Networks (LPWAN) and specifically MIOTY-based solutions are a perfect option for this use case. They can send data from the sensor node to a gateway placed on the farm over more than 5 km distance and operate for several years without battery exchange.

To reach the best performance, you need to plan your networks prior to hardware installation. We offer our customers full service for network planning including the best position for gateways and field-sensors taking into account agricultural parameters like the geospatial yield potential. LPWAN-based solutions and hardware need to be adapted to your specific use case, so you should always look at the service offerings of the IoT provider.

7. From your viewpoint, what makes MIOTY technology/ MYTHINGS the right solution?

MIOTY is the most advanced LPWAN technology on the market so far, and it is made for demanding industrial applications. MIOTY’s patented Telegram Splitting (TS-UNB) technology enables the lowest packet error rates, even in a crowded spectrum, and operates without being interfered by other networks. Through this approach, more than 1 million devices per network and up to 1.5 million messages per day could be processed. TS-UNB provides robust, scalable and mobile IoT connectivity needed in industrial and agricultural use cases. MIOTY also empowers customers to run their own networks and use the advantages of the Internet of Things in the real world – not only in a laboratory.

BehrTech offers with MYTHINGS a sophisticated management platform for MIOTY LPWA networks to enable device management, cloud/backend integration and network troubleshooting at scale. We see huge benefits of MIOTY and the MYTHINGS platform compared to other LPWAN-technologies.

8. How do you see the precision agriculture trend moving forward?

Much progress has been made in monitoring specific data with remote sensing (water stress, leaf area index) or machines (yields and energy usage per area). However, we could see farmers who were early adopters of these technologies have waived them in recent years, simply because they got drown in the flood of data that does not provide actionable knowledge. A lot of collected data, even yield maps, becomes only useful when integrated with other data sources, analyzed and transformed into comprehensible outputs for the farmer and all machines used within the farm. This way, precision agriculture improves not only resource efficiencies, but also farmers’ productivity.

We believe with the package of CLIMAVI and FARMALYZER, we provide the right tools to collect all necessary data for meaningful decision support while making it easy and time-efficient for farmers to implement precision agriculture practices. Given growing challenges due to climate change and weather extremes, there is little doubt that precision agriculture, specifically site-specific exploitation of soil, climate and management interactions, is the path forward for agriculture.


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Harness the Power of Precision Agriculture and IoT Soil Monitoring with MYTHINGS