2021 IoT Trends: 5 Industries Expecting Big Gains from IoT Sensor Networks

2021 IoT Trends

2021 IoT Trends

5 Industries Expecting Big Gains from IoT Sensor Networks


2021 IoT Trends  

The heart of innovation and maintaining a competitive edge is reliable and accessible data. IoT has made it possible for companies to acquire vast amounts of critical data from their assets, people and processes. This data is the lifeblood of reducing costs, improving efficiencies and providing a safer environment for workers. While IoT isn’t a new concept, deploying massive sensor networks has become more urgent than ever for certain industries. Here are the top 5 industries that can expect big gains from IoT in 2021.   

1. Smart Buildings

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the focus on tenant comfort and wellbeing had taken the spotlight in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector in recent years. Realizing that people are the greatest asset in the built environment, companies and owners have turned to IoT and smart building technology to enable a healthy, comfortable and engaging environment. Now, the pandemic is rapidly expediting this trend on a global scale. Smart building technology, especially IoT and wireless sensor solutions, are allowing owners and operators to effectively enforce new building guidelines and protocols, ensuring optimal ventilation, hygiene, distancing and tenants’ wellbeing.

For example, we’ll see a surge in office, retail and hospitality deployments of occupancy sensors that can track the number of people entering, exiting and using specific areas like line ups, waiting rooms, bathrooms, boardrooms, office kitchens etc. This data will be used to pinpoint over and under-utilized areas to streamline janitorial services, ensure safe distancing practices and encourage regular sanitation.

The adoption of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitoring solutions will also rise as companies look to measure critical indoor climate factors like air, thermal, acoustic and lighting quality with the goal of enhancing occupant health, improving the quality of life, and reducing stress and potential injuries.

2. Healthcare

Never before is the worldwide healthcare sector under such an enormous strain. Hospitals are fighting to improve the quality of care while essential medical supplies and resources quickly dwindle. COVID-19 pandemic has spurred conversations around the future of IoT in healthcare and how it can safely connect healthcare professionals and patients. But, if we look back before all this happened, the healthcare industry has always been looking for new ways to combat challenges around inefficiencies, supply chain management and operational costs.

There are various IoT technologies delivering unprecedented value in the healthcare industry. Wireless tracking solutions and real-time location systems have stepped in to tackle asset management problems by establishing a real-time map of all critical mobile assets across their facilities – from patient beds and wheelchairs to defibrillators, infusion pumps, ventilators and portable endoscopy equipment. IoT devices assist patients with their medication adherence at home. Sleep monitoring devices can track heart rate, oxygen levels and movements for high-risk patients. Continuous glucose monitoring sensors connect to mobile devices and alert patients and clinicians to changing blood sugar levels.

IoT has opened up a world of possibilities in healthcare, providing invaluable data on patients, staff, facilities and assets. This critical insight not only gives patients more control over their lives and treatment, but improves operational efficiencies so that healthcare professionals can focus more on patient care.

3. Manufacturing

From lowering maintenance costs and enabling new lines of business to improving overall productivity, IoT has become pivotal to maintaining a competitive edge in manufacturing. With new business insights promised from massive-scale sensor networks, it’s no surprise, the Global IoT in Manufacturing market is expected to reach $994 billion by 2023.

In 2020, we saw most companies pivot to remote operations and manufacturing is no different. In addition to ensuring safe, reliable and efficient facilities, companies must contemplate new ways to run their sites. With the loss of onsite workers due to the pandemic crisis— it has become clear the operating model of having everyone in-house needs to change. IoT sensor networks and reliable connected assets are enabling the success of remote operations, like monitoring and maintenance. With real-time data, businesses can better monitor how assets, products and machinery are performing so that they can optimize their use, better anticipate impending failures and identify root causes of issues. Predictive, condition-based maintenance can therefore reduce costly downtime and repairs. With the ability to reduce outages, speed up resolution time and improve uptime, business can also improve customer service, and create new business opportunities and service-level agreements.

4. Oil and Gas

Operating an asset-intensive industry, oil and gas companies are constantly striving to maximize equipment performance and output. As such, it’s no surprise that around 65% of businesses cite optimization and predictive maintenance as the top focus on their IoT radar. Advanced wireless connectivity and low-cost sensors are helping to digitize and enhance assets and processes that used to be disconnected, creating positive impacts on the bottom line.

For example, wireless IoT sensors can monitor field equipment in remote, far flung locations. Any off-spec conditions can be immediately spotted, so informed decisions can be made on when and how maintenance should be executed; increasing equipment uptime and contributing to higher production output.

Moreover, many processes that used to require inefficient manual labor like level monitoring of reservoirs can also benefit from the deployment of wireless IoT sensors to enable effective coordination of task logistics. IoT can also automate on-site supervision and asset monitoring to enhance workers’ health and safety. As fewer field trips are required, employees are less exposed to potential dangers. And even when they need to be onsite, risk can be mitigated as useful insights from IoT sensors allow technicians to better prepare themselves in advance.

5. Agriculture

Faced with tough challenges of exploding world population, dwindling arable lands and natural resources, alongside growing extreme climate events, the agriculture sector is under undue pressure. In a quest to improve yields while minimizing resource usage, global farmers are turning to IoT and precision agriculture practices

The worldwide AgTech market is growing dynamically at 12.8% CAGR and expected to reach around $ 5.5 billion by 2021. Farm activities could produce around 100,000 data points per hectare by merging data sources and using new technologies such as IoT. This data is being translated into actionable knowledge for farmers to enable stable and respectively higher yields with fewer resources like fertilizer, water and energy per ha. Ultimately, this will results in higher profitability and long-term sustainability amidst the growing pressure from climate change.

2021 IoT trends will see massive adoption across numerous industries.


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Smart Cleaning Technology: An Interview with Mero

Smart Cleaning Technology

Smart Cleaning: Improving Wellness, Sustainability & Efficiency in Smart Buildings

An interview with Nathan Mah, Cofounder of Mero


1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.

1. Tell us about MERO. What is your focus and vision? What are your products?

Mero provides an analytics platform for commercial properties; helping save millions of dollars on commercial cleaning and supply costs. Deployed in over 60 commercial buildings around the world, the IoT platform allows buildings to minimize their environmental impact, control costs and help the world return safely to public spaces. The product provides sensing on critical supplies like soaps, sanitizers, and paper products, and routes cleaning staff to areas over 30% more efficiently.

Mero is building upon its vision to provide a platform to own the complete operations supply chain of commercial properties, bringing innovation to a massive, traditional industry.

2. How do you see the commercial real-estate landscape changing in the wake of COVID-19?

Commercial real estate is facing the difficult reality that their spaces will no longer be the same. Variable occupancy rates are causing pressure on commercial landlords to find new cost savings in areas they would not have searched in the past. Gone are the days where landlords could wake up each day expecting 97%+ occupancy rates. 

This opens the future to more dynamic, on-demand ways of doing business. For commercial properties, one of the largest expenditures is labour. Mero is improving the future of commercial properties through more dynamic cleaning practices. This means only staffing cleaners when occupancy rates dictate it. Mero’s predictive occupancy algorithms are able to forecast future occupancy in buildings with a simple peel-and-stick sensing device.

Mero’s approach is consultative in nature, helping their customers find end-solutions with simple, flexible hardware.

3. What role does smart cleaning technology play in enhancing health and comfort of tenants?

Tenants are the most vital part of the back to work experience. Surveys show that 72% of employees would look forward to returning to the office, but before that becomes a reality, landlords must invest in the comfort of tenants.

Mero has developed a solution directed towards tenant happiness, aptly named Comfort. By visualizing some of the most critical metrics, including current occupancy of a restroom, tenants feel more confident in the highest touch point area in the office. Landlords can inform their tenants of their investment in cleanliness, so they are aware of the choices their office buildings make to support health and well-being.

Landlords will not only save money, but also improve tenant comfort, which can ultimately increase revenue.

4. How do you see smart cleaning technology changing the future of travel?

Similar to commercial real estate, travel is another heavily impacted industry. Mero’s products are equally as important to airports, train providers, and more, by providing the required data to cleaning staff, when they need it.

More efficient, effective cleaning is the future of all of our public spaces, as cleaning staff are the most critical component of any return-to-normal strategy. By maximizing the time our cleaning staff have while they conduct their jobs, we are able to provide both cost savings and long-term revenue increases through improved visitor confidence, helping provide ROI on their technology investment.

5. What’s the relationship between smart cleaning / supply tracking technology and sustainability?

Mero’s products save up to 35% of supply waste through on-demand cleaning, by reducing early roll changes in buildings. This waste has been proven to save hundreds of rolls of paper from the landfill, creating a greener and more sustainable future for all of Mero’s customers.

Mero is dedicated to sustainability efforts and is committing to helping save 1,000,000 trees by 2025.

6. In addition to health and comfort, how will CRE companies benefit from implementing smart cleaning and supply tracking technologies?

Commercial landlords will be able to connect their data with suppliers, to create a more transparent ordering process that will also be on demand.  Real-time inventory management in commercial properties will allow for a streamlined process, and supplier and field property owners will be in more control of their consumables.

Furthermore, the data that Mero provides on occupancy will help properties forecast and project their labour spend for months in advance. This will not only create more efficiencies for properties, but a smoother customer experience to the end tenant.

7. What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

All buildings will be smart buildings, on varying levels of implementation. The challenge is to reduce friction upon install, otherwise companies face landlords who plan 5+ years in advance. This is partly why PropTech as a whole is still only ramping up, and other industries such as FinTech continue to outpace it.

Technology also needs to provide ongoing ROI in order for customers to truly embrace it.  Mero’s approach to providing low friction, easy-to-install devices reduces this friction so customers are able to get the data faster. 

In the future, smart buildings will have a large network of unique applications. Platforms such as BehrTech and Mero provide the innovative technology and wireless connectivity needed to build a centralized platform for all of these applications to function concurrently.


Get Our Monthly IoT Blogs Roundup

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Smart Cleaning Technology from Device to Dashboard

IoT Connectivity: 5 Crucial Considerations

IoT Connectivity

BehrTech Blog

IoT Connectivity: 5 Crucial Considerations for a Successful Deployment

[bctt tweet=” Failing to select the right IoT connectivity could derail your initiative from the outset.”]

The Internet of Things (IoT) is more than just a collection of sensors that capture and share data for analysis. IoT has evolved from single point remedies to robust solutions, enabled through a network of interconnected devices and technologies to solve a spectrum of challenging business issues. At the same time, there exist major hurdles when embarking on an IoT project – one of which lies exactly where the value chain starts.

The majority of legacy industrial and commercial assets and systems were not designed with wireless communications in mind. Failing to select the right IoT connectivity could derail your initiative from the outset. The IoT connectivity challenge is manifold as it also encompasses data integration, privacy and security issues. To effectively manage the risks and architect your IoT network for long-term viability, make sure you factor in these five essential considerations.

1. What are the range, power and bandwidth requirements of my connected devices?

These three factors often come at the expense of each other. It’s all about finding the right balance that best suits your use cases. For example, different from factory automation tasks, most industrial monitoring applications pertain to the intermittent, latency-tolerant transmission of small-sized telemetry data. What’s more important is the ability to connect assets at remote locations where power supply is severely constraint, or absent altogether. Likewise, vast, structurally dense industrial facilities require a reliable wireless link that can travel through great physical obstructions. In this regard, a solution that delivers extensive range and minimal power footprint benefits would outweigh one that offers millisecond-latency communications.

2. Is the network easy to deploy and could it involve any complications?

Highly integrable, plug-and-play IoT connectivity is key to streamlining the costs and complexity of an IoT deployment. The industry needs a solution that acts as the bridge between legacy OT and IT systems to break down existing data silos and unlock operational visibility. On one end, the wireless IoT connectivity can be easily retrofitted into field assets and equipment without complex hardware modifications and production downtime. On the other end, it enables straightforward data transfer to the existing IT infrastructure and business applications for data democratization and informed decision-making.

3. Could it help me address multiple operational challenges?

While no connectivity is use case agnostic, it would be a mistake to think that each IoT application requires a heterogeneous wireless solution. Typically, you could have a unified network to simultaneously tackle different low-power, low-throughput use cases – from asset and facility management to environmental monitoring and occupancy detection. This would lower upfront investment and simplify the management of your IoT architecture to accelerate the path to ROI.

For a wireless network to accommodate growing applications, scalability is a prerequisite. Increasing the number of end points should never come at the cost of other important factors like network reliability and ease of deployment. Equally important, you want IoT connectivity that can support both static and fast-moving devices to tap into a wide range of worker, asset and fleet data.

4. Is the wireless connectivity future-proof?

A common mistake companies often make during the beginning of an IoT deployment is failing to incorporate future needs. While a digital project often starts small, you need to be ready when it’s time to scale. With the exponential increase in connected devices and radio traffic in the near future, the chosen connectivity must be purpose-built for interference resilience. Also, given the whirlwind speed of today’s technology, ensuring long-term interoperability is paramount. Coming with a well-articulated and transparent technical framework, software-driven, standard-based wireless solutions can seamlessly support new cross-vendor devices in years to come.

5. How does it align with my security and data privacy strategy?

An IoT network is only as secure as its wireless link. To protect enterprise data against malicious attempts, end-to-end encryption is critical. Specifically, robust cryptographic schemes must be integrated into each part of the data chain – from devices to gateways and from gateways to network management and application platforms. What’s more, you need to consider which third-party vendors can have access to your data. Managed IoT connectivity services by network operators require all messages to be re-routed through their server before reaching the end enterprise applications. If data privacy is top of mind, a privately-owned network is the way to go.

Data is the lifeblood of IoT and connectivity is the vein to transport and circulate it. The wireless decision is intertwined with multiple aspects of the network architecture and ultimately impacts the success of your IoT initiative. Asking these five questions will help you navigate the jungle of wireless protocols and standards and opt for the best solution.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE:  IoT Connectivity: 4 Standards that Will Shape 2020 and Beyond


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Get Scalable and Robust IoT Connectivity with MYTHINGS

IoT for Oil and Gas: 4 Significant Applications You Should Know

IoT for Oil and Gas

BehrTech Blog

IoT for Oil and Gas: 4 Significant Applications You Should Know

[bctt tweet=” IoT for oil and gas is destined for a significant uptake as companies are seeking to optimize operations in a myriad of ways.”]

Oil and gas is widely known as a highly competitive and difficult business. Growing environmental tensions, a paradigm shift towards renewables and volatile commodity prices have long been industry-wide challenges facing companies. Now, these issues are further deepened by plummeting demand amidst energy market turmoil. Increasingly, the sector is embracing the Internet of Things (IoT) to make headway in operational efficiencies, safety management and cost savings.

Operating an asset-intensive industry, oil and gas companies are constantly striving to maximize equipment performance and output. As such, it’s no surprise that around 65% of businesses cite optimization and predictive maintenance as the top focus on their IoT radar. Advanced wireless connectivity and low-cost sensors are helping to digitize and enhance assets and processes that used to be disconnected, creating positive impacts on the bottom line.

What IoT Brings to the Table

Instrumentation on drilling rigs and other oil and gas fields isn’t necessarily new. Yet, traditional communication mediums are largely limited to wires and satellite connectivity, making instrumentation expensive and cumbersome. For this reason, networking often serves automation tasks where the high price tag can be justified. This leaves many operational aspects largely under-monitored and heavily dependent on manual inspections.

IoT can help to make big wins in this regard by extending remote monitoring ability to all asset classes. Wireless technology like Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) introduces affordable “last-mile” connectivity to allow for a much greater number of connected data points – previously unavailable. This translates into broader oversight which helps to uncover bottlenecks and improvement opportunities that used to be hidden. Below we delve into IoT for oil and gas with 4 essential applications.

1. Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance

Most precarious oil and gas extraction and production activities take place at far-flung and, unsurprisingly, offshore locations. A malfunction of any given asset threatens to take a heavy toll on not only production output but also the environment. With the help of wireless IoT sensors, companies can keep tabs on their field equipment miles afar. Any off-spec conditions can be immediately spotted, so they can make informed decisions on when and how maintenance should be executed.

For example, ultrasonic, magnetic and vibration sensors can check for abnormal signs in the pipeline structure that indicate corrosion, ruptures and leakages, at an early stage. Likewise, changes in casing/tubing pressure, temperature and flow rates can point to a potential failure of the wellbore. By tackling issues way before serious damage is visible, companies can cut down on a great deal of troubleshooting and maintenance time, prevent disastrous leak events and maximize asset health and useful life.

2. Process Optimization

Increasing equipment uptime is just one way IoT for oil and gas can contribute to higher production output. Many processes that used to be laborious to the point of inefficiency can also benefit from the deployment of wireless IoT sensors.

Specifically, level monitoring of many reservoirs that contain oil, wastewater and other liquids during production still largely depends on regular manual checks. Fill level sensors can make this a much easier task, enabling more effective coordination of emptying logistics to avoid catastrophic spills and wasted manpower. As another example, continuous monitoring of pump pressure can help assess the current extraction capacity and detect if water rather than oil is being pumped out, so relevant process changes can be applied to optimize throughput.

3. Workers’ Health and Safety

Oil and gas has been notorious for being one of the most dangerous work sectors where there’s no lack of potential hazards – from contact injuries, fires and explosions to fatal falls and harmful chemical substances and environment. Even with extensive safety training and robust PPE in place, there’s still a worrying number of ongoing incidents that result in astronomical losses for both firms and the affected workers.

By automating on-site supervision and asset monitoring using IoT, companies can go a long way in enhancing workers’ health and safety. As fewer field trips are required, employees are less exposed to potential dangers. And even when they need to be onsite, risk can be mitigated as useful insights from IoT sensors allow technicians to better prepare themselves in advance.

Technologies like wearables and environmental sensors additionally step in to help oversee lone workers’ vital signs and activities and their surroundings. Excessive exposure to hazardous substances or other treacherous conditions like a spike in explosive gases can be quickly identified for evacuation and effective countermeasures.

4. Security and Container Tracking

Vandalism and sabotage attacks are among the biggest threats for an oil and gas facility with serious financial, ecological and logistical ramifications that come along. Yet, the vast area of a drilling field or a refinery structure often makes physical security a challenging mission, particularly at high-risk locations. In this context, distributed wireless sensors can complement surveillance cameras to give an extra safety boost by helping track movements at restricted areas and fence door status across the premise – 24/7.

Massive, multi-tenant oil and gas cargo ships are another area that can reap just the same benefits from connected solutions. Besides onboard physical security, wireless tracking solutions now provide a low-cost alternative to GPS tracking, to ensure safe and accurate pallet transport and delivery.

Wrapping Up

IoT for oil and gas is destined for a significant uptake as the market continues to exponentially grow. While the sector has been adopting communication technology for some time, new wireless connectivity like LPWAN is helping to bring vastly more data points online at a much lower price tag. Amidst compounding industry challenges, IoT implementation can be a turning point to take operational efficiency, sustainability and safety to the next level and stay on top of the competition.


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[vcv_posts_grid source=”%7B%22tag%22%3A%22postsGridDataSourcePost%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22post_type%3Dpost%26amp%3Bpost_status%3Dpublish%26amp%3Bposts_per_page%3D5%22%7D” unique_id=”749b58f9″ pagination=”0″ pagination_color=”#ffce00″ pagination_per_page=”10″]PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3RzLWdyaWQtaXRlbSI%2BPGFydGljbGUgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0cy1ncmlkLWl0ZW0taW5uZXJ7e2N1c3RvbV9mZWF0dXJlZF9pbWFnZV9oYXNpbWFnZV9jbGFzc19uZXdzX3Bvc3RfZ3JpZF9pdGVtfX0iPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS10aXRsZS1jb2xvci1iLTMzLTMzLTMzIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1leGNlcnB0LWNvbG9yLWItMzMtMzMtMzMgdmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLWF1dGhvci1jb2xvci1mZmNlMDAgdmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLW1ldGEtY29sb3ItYi0zMy0zMy0zMyI%2BPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLWltYWdlIiBzdHlsZT0iYmFja2dyb3VuZC1pbWFnZTp1cmwoe3tmZWF0dXJlZF9pbWFnZV91cmx9fSkiPjxhIGhyZWY9Int7cG9zdF9wZXJtYWxpbmt9fSI%2BPC9hPjwvZGl2PjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1jb250ZW50Ij48cCBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLW1ldGEiPjxzcGFuPlBvc3RlZCA8L3NwYW4%2BPHNwYW4gY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1tZXRhLWRhdGUiPm9uIDx0aW1lIGRhdGV0aW1lPSJ7e3Bvc3RfZGF0ZV9nbXR9fSI%2Be3twb3N0X2RhdGV9fSA8L3RpbWU%2BPC9zcGFuPjwvcD48aDMgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS10aXRsZSI%2BPGEgaHJlZj0ie3twb3N0X3Blcm1hbGlua319Ij57e3Bvc3RfdGl0bGV9fTwvYT48L2gzPnt7c2ltcGxlX3Bvc3RfZGVzY3JpcHRpb25fZXhjZXJwdH19PC9kaXY%2BPC9kaXY%2BPC9hcnRpY2xlPjwvZGl2Pg%3D%3D[/vcv_posts_grid]

Harness IoT for Oil and Gas with MYTHINGS

Indoor Environmental Quality: An Interview with ioAirflow

Indoor Environmental Quality

BehrTech Blog

Indoor Environmental Quality: Motivation, Challenges & Requirements

An interview with Matt Schaubroeck, Cofounder & CEO, ioAirflow


Over the last decade, architects and engineers have been working to educate owners and developers on the wellness impacts of sustainable building design approaches in creating healthier and more productive lives for their occupants. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that these wellness considerations are no longer a mere value-add to a building, but rather a necessary element in allowing larger groups to safely reoccupy a space. In this blog, we interview Matt Schaubroeck, Cofounder and CEO of ioAirFlow, to discuss the role of indoor environmental quality monitoring in the era of “healthy buildings” and the key considerations for implementing a successful solution.

Tell us about ioAirflow. What are your products and vision, who are your customers?

ioAirFlow wants to make commercial buildings healthier, for both people and the environment. To achieve this, we are creating a digital audit platform that provides faster, cheaper, and more accurate energy reports for commercial buildings.

Our solution will be used by companies that are already offering energy audits, or by building managers interested in running quick diagnostics on their building’s health and efficiency performance.

We are not a permanent automation installation – we are a digital audit platform. Other companies using this type of technology focus on permanent installations and/or active building control regimes, which are often cost-prohibitive and difficult to maintain for the majority of building owners.

Traditional energy audits are manual, time-consuming and expensive. By using the MYTHINGS platform, we can reliably and securely collect data by placing sensors anywhere in a building. In combination with our machine learning model, we will be able to provide more accurate diagnostics than any manual audit.

How do you see the role of IoT today in the smart building industry? What are the key drivers behind it?

IoT is revolutionizing the way we interact with built environments. This will be a key tool in improving building performance and helping us meet global climate change targets.

This technology application is a game-changer for understanding how buildings really operate. There is a general frustration with the archaic manual building audit process, which is too labour-intensive and cost-prohibitive to serve a large portion of the building market. By creating a digital audit solution, ioAirFlow is able to reduce the cost of testing enough that a building audit becomes financially viable for what we call ‘Class C’ buildings – older stock with no onsite energy management technology.

Finally, IoT changes the way we collect data. Conventional building monitoring software needs to be plugged or wired into mechanical systems, which limits their placement and how much building data can be collected. Think of it as the difference between an X-ray and a MRI – an MRI might find a problem an X-ray can’t find, because it’s looking at the problem with different tools and a different lens.

What is the relationship between indoor environmental quality and sustainability? How will property owners and managers benefit from implementing an IEQ monitoring solution?

Buildings (including materials and construction) account for 39% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. According to the United Nations, the built environment’s energy intensity will have to improve by 30% by 2030 to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Improving the IEQ of buildings is a critical component to fighting climate change.

Most commercial buildings can increase their energy efficiency by up to 50% and save thousands of dollars monthly by investing in green building retrofits. But, most buildings owners are unaware of the problems that exist in their building. They can’t fix what they don’t know exists.

IEQ monitoring can identify many of these issues using big data analysis. Using MyThings sensors, ioAirFlow is able to test the effectiveness of a building’s HVAC system, envelope, controls systems, or a building’s overall comfort levels and efficiency. With this information, we’re more equipped to make actionable recommendations on how to solve those problems. That informed decision-making process helps building managers understand how they can increase their building’s health.

What constitutes “building health” and how does it impact the health and wellness of building occupants? How do you see this changing in the wake of Covid-19?

Building health can mean two separate things – how environmentally sustainable the building’s infrastructure is, and how healthy the environment is for the people living and working inside it. A healthier building is better for your bottom line, for the people in that building, and for the environment.

The IEQ of a building is directly related to the health, productivity and satisfaction of its occupants. Buildings with poor indoor environmental quality cost the global economy billions of dollars every year, due to illness and productivity loss. In addition, those buildings are consuming more energy, releasing more GHG emissions into the atmosphere.

COVID-19 has put an unprecedented spotlight on building health. As people adjust to the reality of the pandemic, IEQ and building health are becoming priorities for building owners and managers. That includes finding ways to make our indoor environments healthier including ensuring adequate ventilation, airflow, and mechanical systems.

What are the challenges or hesitations CRE companies have when implementing an IEQ solution?

The main barriers to implementing IEQ solutions are knowledge and cost.

Unless you have on-site expertise or management software, you likely don’t know all the ways your building is losing efficiency. Buildings are complex and deteriorate over time, experiencing a large number of efficiency problems – no building is immune from this efficiency degradation. If you don’t know what to look for, you won’t know how to start implementing solutions. Even permanent building management software won’t be able to pinpoint every problem that exists in a building.

The financial barrier mostly has to do with sticker shock on the up-front costs of some IEQ solutions. Many buildings operate in a way to maximize revenue above all else – so if it’s not broken, it doesn’t need to be fixed or improved. In those circumstances, paying for an efficiency retrofit can be a tough sell. That’s a mindset we have to change.

Healthy building is good for your bottom line. If you consume less energy, you’re paying reduced utility bills. There is a strong business case that your return on investment will improve with every IEQ solution you implement – what we need to create are solutions that are less capital-intensive.

That financial barrier is why ioAirFlow hasn’t developed a solution to be permanently installed onsite. You don’t necessarily need data being collected 24/7 to identify your IEQ gaps – our platform can figure it out in a matter of weeks. Because you don’t need to buy our sensors to have a test done, the cost of that test suddenly becomes much more affordable.

What does an IEQ monitoring architecture look like? What are the wireless connectivity requirements in this context?

The most common indoor environmental quality monitoring architecture in today’s market is building management or automation software. Those include smart thermostats, automated zone monitoring and control, and some other fascinating technologies. The problem with this architecture is its installation cost – nearly all building management architecture requires a constant power source. That might mean rewiring your entire building. That can be a non-starter from a financial perspective.

Wireless solutions do exist, but face serious problems in a commercial setting. Systems that use Wi-Fi or BLE solutions will either require a mesh network, or integration with the building’s existing IT infrastructure. These can both pose a security risk – as evidenced by the hacked HVAC system at Target in 2014.

These solutions are sometimes just not realistic for many buildings – particularly for Class C buildings who are often more limited on available cashflow. That’s where a scalable and affordable IoT platform like MYTHINGS can provide a solution. With reliable long-range signal strength, we’re able to easily place sensors in any built environment to collect the data we need to run our analysis.

What predictions do you have for the smart building market in the next 3-5 years?

Demand for smart and green building solutions is growing quickly. Cleantech is one of the fastest-growing tech industries today, with an expected market cap of $2.5 trillion USD by 2022. Alongside this, the global market for energy retrofit expenditures in commercial buildings is expected to reach $384.5 billion in 2020.

Smart buildings play a key role in helping buildings go greener. A smart building collects more data, allowing for more informed decision-making on how to reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint in that space. COVID-19 will likely spur development in this space as we try to make our buildings safer and healthier.

The 2020 trend of working from home has had a crippling impact on global commercial real estate, and the industry has to look for novel solutions to attract back tenants. The best thing a building operator could do is to prove that their building is safe and healthy. A smart building is the best tool for identifying what steps need to be taken to achieve a building’s IEQ potential.

Indoor Environmental Quality - Matt Schaubroeck

Matt Schaubroeck

Co-founder and CEO, ioAirFlow

Matt Schaubroeck is co-founder and CEO of ioAirFlow, a Winnipeg-based environmental proptech startup. He has been working in the smart building sector since 2016, as part of a MBA research project that grew into the company he now leads. Matt has also served as the Director of Programming for the North Forge technology incubator in Winnipeg, with a focus on commercialization strategies for early-stage tech companies.

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Build an End-to-End IEQ Network with MYTHINGS

What is LPWAN | A Deep Dive into Low-Power Wide Area Networks


BehrTech Blog

What is LPWAN?

A Deep Dive into Low-Power Wide Area Networks


As global IoT connections exponentially grow to 22 billion in 2025, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) are expected to be a prominent facilitator. The central value of IoT is the unprecedented visibility into physical assets, processes and people to enable informed decision making. Often times, this visibility comes from granular, battery-powered IoT sensors distributed over large, structurally dense campuses like factories, mine sites, oil fields and commercial buildings.

Legacy wireless technologies can’t keep up with the range, power and cost requirements in IoT sensor networks. Traditional cellular connectivity (e.g. 3G, LTE…) and wireless local area networks (i.e. Wi-Fi) are too expensive and power hungry for transmitting small amounts of data from a large number of sensor devices. Other solutions like Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Wave have highly constrained physical range; and even though many of them employ a mesh topology to extend their coverage, the multi-hop relaying nature is power-consuming while entailing complex network planning and management. As such, mesh networks are suitable for medium-range applications at best.

A LPWAN is unique in that it overcomes these pitfalls to deliver an efficient, affordable and easy-to-deploy solution for massive-scale IoT networks. They are ideal for low-bandwidth applications with small payloads, such as air quality monitoring, occupancy detection, asset tracking and environmental monitoring.

LPWAN Network Architecture and Key Characteristics

An LPWAN employs a star topology in which a base station collects data from numerous remote, distributed end nodes. With the exception of cellular LPWAN (i.e. NB-IoT), the connection between end nodes and the base station is non-TCP/IP to avoid hefty packet headers. After receiving and demodulating messages, the base station then relays them to the backend server through a standard TCP/IP backhaul link (e.g. Ethernet, cellular, etc.). For public LPWAN services, data must be routed through the network operators’ server before reaching the end user’s applications, while in privately managed LPWANs, data can be directly transferred to the user’s preferred backend for complete data privacy and control.

The appeal of LPWAN is derived from its two signature features that used to come as a trade-off in traditional technologies: long range and low power consumption. While Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can only communicate over tens or a hundred meters at best, an LPWAN is able to transmit signals up to 15 km in rural areas and up to 5 km in urban, structurally dense areas. This wireless family also provides deep penetration capability to connect devices at hard-to-reach indoor and underground locations. On top of that, it comes with a simple, small-footprint transceiver design to minimize cost and power consumption on the end node side. The idea is to leave all the heavy-lifting to the base station and keep the data frame as short as possible.

LPWAN Power Efficiency and Range

Long Range

Range is often measured in terms of receiver sensitivity – the lowest signal power for a message to be detected and demodulated. In LPWANs, receiver sensitivity can reach -130 dBm, as compared to a moderate -70 dBm sensitivity in Bluetooth. This high receiver sensitivity is typically achieved by reducing the signal bandwidth and thus experienced noise levels (i.e. (Ultra-)Narrow Band) or adding processing gain (i.e. Spread Spectrum); both come at the cost of lower data rates.

Besides these special modulation techniques, the use of sub-GHz frequency bands in most LPWAN solutions, instead of the popular 2.4 GHz band, further improves range and penetration capability. As the wavelength is inversely proportional to free space path loss, the long radio waves in sub-GHz systems can travel over kilometers in open areas. Compared to 2.4 GHz signals, they can also better penetrate through walls, trees and other structures along the propagation path, while bending farther around solid obstacles.

Low Power

LPWAN systems adopt multiple approaches to optimize power efficiency, securing many years of battery life on end nodes. First, outside the transmission time, the transceivers are put into deep “sleep” mode whereby very minimal power is consumed. In bi-directional communications, a listening schedule is defined so that the device is “awake” only at predefined times or shortly after an uplink is sent to receive the downlink message.

Second, though not all, many LPWAN technologies employ a lightweight asynchronous protocol at the Medium Access Control layer to minimize data overhead. Pure ALOHA – a very simple random access protocol – is a common choice. In pure ALOHA, a node accesses the channel and transmits a message whenever data is available. There is no time-slotted coordination or carrier sensing, and even acknowledgment of received messages is often bypassed to further reduce the power footprint.

Finally, the one-hop star topology introduces great power benefits. While certain mesh solutions (e.g. Zigbee, WirelessHART) have been previously implemented for battery-operated, industrial sensor networks, they consume more power than an LPWAN solution by orders of magnitude. This is because, in a multi-hop mesh topology, a device must spend extra energy on listening for and relaying messages from other devices. On the other hand, a star network allows devices to “turn off” and stay most of the time in sleep mode.

LPWAN - Mesh vs Star Topology

All that said, power efficiency can drastically vary among LPWAN technologies. This is because transmission time or on-air radio time of each message is very different across systems, and transmission is technically the most energy-consuming activity. Short on-air time means that the transceiver can turn off faster to further reduce power consumption.

The Current LPWAN Landscape

The LPWAN landscape can be confusing at first sight, given the plethora of available solutions on the market. Nevertheless, if we take a look at the underlying technology, LPWAN solutions can be broadly grouped into four major types: cellular LPWAN, Ultra-Narrowband (UNB), Spread Spectrum, and Telegram Splitting. Among these four, cellular LPWAN is the only category that operates in the licensed spectrum, while the latter three mostly leverage the license-free Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency bands.

While introducing low cost and quick deployment benefits, the use of the license-free spectrum raises considerable Quality-of-Service (QoS) and scalability challenges. In most solutions, there exists a persistent trade-off between QoS and power efficiency. As mentioned earlier, the lightweight asynchronous protocol at the MAC layer is widely used in LPWAN for its power advantage. Nevertheless, when multiple radio systems co-exist and share the same spectrum resource, uncoordinated transmissions in asynchronous networks significantly increase the risks of packet collisions and data loss.

Mitigation mechanisms like Listen-before-Talk, handshaking and acknowledgment to ensure QoS inevitably come with heavy overheads or frequent signaling, which means more power consumption. As wireless IoT deployments and radio traffic exponentially grow, warranting network reliability and scalability while optimizing battery life will be a major undertaking in many LPWAN technologies.

Standardization is another important consideration, given its critical role in enabling a robust and vibrant IoT ecosystem. A standardized technology provides a rigorous and transparent technical framework to fuel both vertical and horizontal interoperability. So far, there have been only two camps of LPWAN technologies that succeeded in standardization efforts and are endorsed by formal standard organizations. One is cellular LPWAN that implements 3GPP standards, and the other is the Telegram Splitting technology based on the newly released ETSI standard on Low Throughput Networks – TS 103 357.

Some industrial alliances have also been established around certain proprietary LPWAN technologies to promote standard development. However, these efforts do not ratify the viability of the technology and might not cover the whole network stack. It’s common that only the MAC layer is made open, while the physical layer remains entirely proprietary, like in the case of the LoRa Alliance. Having part of technical specifications publicly available on a royalty-basis doesn’t necessarily make the technology a truly open standard. Also, these industrial activities do not incorporate a stringent technology evaluation and quality testing process, as in an SDOs’ formal procedure.

A Technical Review of Four Major LPWAN Technology Groups

After a quick glimpse into the existing LPWAN landscape, we’ll now dive into each type of LPWAN technologies and review their major technical features.

1. Cellular LPWAN (Licensed Spectrum)

LTE-M and NB-IoT are the two major variants of cellular LPWAN. Both employ a narrowband approach, wherein the received signal bandwidth and data rates are reduced to improve range and building penetration ability. Compared to LTE, their transmission power and technical design complexity are also drastically reduced to achieve low-cost, low-power qualities. NB-IoT, however, uses a much smaller system bandwidth (200 kHz) than LTE-M (1.4 MHz) and is thus a better choice for underground and indoor applications.

Thanks to their operations in the licensed spectrum, cellular LPWAN solutions introduce great Quality-of-Service advantages, as there is no co-channel interference from external systems. They additionally employ time and frequency synchronization alongside handshaking for very high transmission reliability and network scalability. That being said, these mechanisms come at the cost of power efficiency due to the required data overhead [1]. Besides consuming extra energy, handshaking makes the battery life of a node unpredictable, since it’s difficult to decide how many times the process needs to be repeated for each transmission.

Compared to the unlicensed counterparts, cellular LPWAN provides relatively higher peak data rates (i.e. > 1 Mbit/s for LTE-M and 250 kbit/s for NB-IoT), which further increases power budget requirements. Available as managed connectivity services from telecom providers, their coverage at remote locations might not be guaranteed, and network longevity is at stake due to the unforeseeable technology sunsetting. If your IoT end nodes are mobile, NB-IoT won’t be in your best interest as it’s mostly designed for stationary devices.

Given their pros and cons, cellular LPWAN options are best suited for higher data rate IoT use cases and in smart city scenarios where telecom infrastructure is mature. On the other hand, they aren’t optimal for applications where ultra-low power is at a high priority. The same goes for industrial deployments which often take place at remote locations and require the supported communications network to sustain over several decades.

2. Ultra-Narrowband – UNB (License-free Spectrum)

To minimize the subjected noise level and optimize receiver sensitivity, Ultra-Narrowband solutions contract the signal bandwidth to as small as 100 Hz. Besides extensive range and excellent penetration, UNB approach allows for high spectral efficiency as each signal occupies very minimal channel bandwidth. High spectral efficiency means that more messages can fit into an assigned frequency band without overlapping with each other, thereby improving overall system capacity and scalability. Sigfox and Telensa are representatives of UNB-based LPWAN technologies.

Ultra-narrow band signals, however, introduce very low data rates which translate into long on-air radio time. For example, systems like Sigfox feature a 100 Hz signal bandwidth and a data rate of 100 bps (EU mode), which means a 12-byte transmission could last for as long as 2 seconds. This presents several challenges. First, long on-air time inevitably comes with more power usage as the transceiver needs to be active for a longer period of time. Second, under EU duty cycle regulations (i.e. 1%) imposed by ETSI, a device operating in the 868 MHz band can “speak” for only 36 seconds per hour. As such, the longer each transmission takes place, the fewer total messages are allowed to be sent. In the USA, FCC regulations limit the frequency occupation time of each message to 0.4 seconds, requiring a different network design with a higher data rate and shorter overall network range.

Another issue with long on-air time is impaired Quality-of-Service. Coupled with asynchronous communications, longer time in the air interface exposes a message to a higher chance of data collision, especially in a crowded license-free spectrum with heavy radio traffic from multiple co-existing systems. Certain solutions apply redundancy in which the same data is sent several times in an attempt to improve message reception. However, this measure proves to be counter-productive, as it increases total on-air time and energy usage per unique payload, while further limiting effective data amounts that can be sent per hour.

Another drawback of UNB networks is its sensitivity to multipath fading caused by Doppler effects in mobile end devices or those situated close to fast-moving objects (e.g. near a highway). To avoid packet errors due to Doppler shifts, UNB nodes should be stationary or moving only at minimal speeds.

3. Spread Spectrum (License-free Spectrum)

As a common LPWAN modulation technique, Spread Spectrum overcomes the very slow data rate and Doppler fading issues experienced by UNB solutions to a certain extent. In Spread Spectrum, a narrowband signal continuously changes frequency, resulting in a frequency ramp that occupies a much wider channel bandwidth. More bandwidth use essentially comes with a higher experienced noise level. As such, processing gain is added to improve the Signal-to-Noise ratio and overall system range. Spreading Factors (SF) signify the level of processing gain with higher SF enabling longer range at a lower data rate.

Compared to UNB signals, Spread Spectrum signals are more robust against interception and eavesdropping attempts. Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) implemented in LoRa technology is a representative variant of this modulation scheme. A recent study shows that CSS systems can effectively support mobile nodes at a speed of up to 40 km/h.

On the other hand, the major limitation of Spread Spectrum solutions is their inefficient use of the spectrum resource, since more bandwidth is required to transmit only a small data amount. This induces bad co-existing behavior and serious scalability problems. In the limited sub-GHz radio spectrum, high wideband data traffic combined with uncoordinated transmissions in pure ALOHA can cause message overlays and eventually packet errors. This challenge further intensifies in long-range applications using a high spreading factor, due to the low data rate and thus, longer on air-time of messages.

The uses of different spreading factor and bandwidth combinations (i.e. orthogonality) and a higher number of base stations are common approaches to partly remedy this issue. However, tuning each base station to different frequency entails complex network management and requires radio system expertise.

4. Telegram Splitting (License-free)

Telegram Splitting is the latest and so far, the only standardized LPWAN technology in the licensed-free spectrum. Introducing a new radio transmission approach for UNB signals, the technology aims to surpass the trade-off between Quality-of-Service and power efficiency commonly faced in previous LPWAN solutions. MYTHINGS by BehrTech is the only solution that implements Telegram Splitting and fully complies with the ETSI TS 103 357 standard.

Telegram Splitting systems feature a data rate of 512 bit/s. At the physical layer, the technology divides a UNB telegram into multiple equal-sized sub-packets, each of which is randomly sent at a different time and carrier frequency. As each sub-packet has a much smaller size than the original telegram, its on-air time is drastically reduced to only 16 milliseconds. The accumulated on-air time of a 10-byte as an example is only 390 milliseconds. Short on-air time combined with the virtually random distribution of sub-packets over time and frequency significantly mitigate their risk of being hit by interferers. On top of that, even if up to 50% of sub-packets are affected, Forward Error Correction ensures that the full message can be retrieved at the base station.

As such, although asynchronous communication is used for ultra-low power benefits, Telegram Splitting delivers very high interference immunity and system capacity. Specifically, a single base station is able to handle more than one million messages a day as specified in the ETSI TS 103 357 standard. Also, in an Industrial IoT-equivalent scenario, Telegram Splitting has been proved to drastically outperform Chirp Spread Spectrum in LoRa in terms of message deliverability and network reliability.

In addition to Quality-of-Service, the characteristics of Telegram Splitting, at the same time, offer great power benefits. After the transmission of each sub-packet, there is a significantly longer transmission-free period in which the node goes into “sleep mode”. Short on-air time and longer off-air time minimize power consumption while giving the battery time to recover, which in turn significantly extends battery life.

Short time in the air interface of sub-packets combined with coherent demodulation additionally diminish Doppler fading effects. And, even if some sub-packets suffer from deep fades, FEC ensures that message detection and retrieval is minimally affected. With this, Telegram Splitting systems can connect end nodes moving at up 120 km/h [5] – a feature not available in previous LPWAN technologies.


Providing a unique combination of long-range, low-power and low-cost advantages, LPWANs are poised to become the backbone of battery-operated IoT sensor networks across verticals. Nevertheless, not all LPWAN technologies are created equal, and there exists a persistent trade-off between Quality-of-Service and battery life among most solutions. At the same time, the lack of standardization and limited mobility support are other challenges not to be overlooked. Recognized for its versatile technical design, Telegram Splitting represents a new LPWAN generation to surpass these limitations and provide a robust, scalable and power-efficient architecture for massive-scale IoT deployments in the industrial and commercial marketplaces.

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Get Next-Gen LPWAN Technology with MYTHINGS

IoT Data Lakes: Driving Operational Efficiency in Smart Buildings – An Interview with PremiseHQ

IoT Data Lakes

BehrTech Blog

IoT Data Lakes: Driving Operational Efficiency in Smart Buildings

An interview with Rafi Dowla, Cofounder & CTO of PremiseHQ


1. Tell us about PremiseHQ. What is your focus and vision in the smart building space?

PremiseHQ was founded to help with bite sized digital transformation by breaking down the silos introduced by fragmented technology and vendor ecosystems that exist today. A single IoT data lake strategy provides real-estate stakeholders with critical information from a variety of sources, anytime, anywhere. Operations, Leasing and Asset Management functions all need to make informed decisions. Currently, much of this information is coming from siloed and proprietary vendors, sensors and internal systems. PremiseHQ provides a single pane of glass showing integrated and consolidated information. Our focus and vision in the smart building space is to provide the platform that forms the connective tissue between the various data sources and the users who consume this information.

2. How do you define a IoT data lake and its role in a smart building architecture?

The connected and consolidated IoT data lake plays a pivotal key role in smart building architecture.  For a smart building to truly function efficiently and effectively, data cannot be all  centrally aggregated. It needs to be normalized, standardized and connected in a distributed nature so that it can be used in multiple applications.  A variety of delivery methods can be used to pull, push and connect data into the IoT data lake.

3. Do you have any use cases on how data lakes improve workflow efficiency and decision-making in commercial buildings?

Water leak detection is a great use case to demonstrate the workflow efficiency created from IoT data lakes.  Since the Roman times of indoor plumbing, water leaks have created headaches and large insurance claims for building managers. With a connected IoT data lake, the damage and impact from a water leak can be mitigated early on. When a leak detection sensor is triggered from a water flow, this information can be immediately relayed to on-duty building operations staff. Workflow logic can be built in so that if another adjacent sensor is triggered, water flow is automatically turned off with the sensor’s actuator.  A delay could also be built into the workflow to allow the operator to see if there’s a reason why a sensor has been triggered. If the flow is large enough, the data lake would have information about the restoration, cleaning and plumbing companies assigned to that building and automatically create a work order and dispatch crews to respond.  If the location had a hazardous materials inspection done, the information would be retrieved from the data lake and included on the work order so that the appropriate technicians would be made aware of hazardous material in the area.  Additional workflows would simultaneously create notifications to the impacted tenants on the floor of the leak as well as ones below. Other alerts can also be created for building staff and management and even the insurance carrier in case a claim is initiated for water damage.  In this case, a data lake and its associated workflows have multiple automated steps that occur in real-time so operations staff can respond quickly and prevent or minimize any damage or corresponding issues.

4. How can the PremiseHQ platform be integrated with cross-vendor data sources, including IoT sensor data?

This is where the PremiseHQ platform excels. Many IoT sensor companies will provide a portal for viewing data and consumption.  If you only have one set of sensor data this could work, but when you have data coming from occupancy, IEQ, lighting, washroom consumables etc., then the building owners and operators are forced to view multiple locations and have to manipulate the data to make operational decisions. The PremiseHQ platform can collect data from various IoT sensors through API, MQTT, Socket or other transfer methods. The platform can then deliver this data in a user-friendly format that is relevant to their job function. They can overlay multiple sensor data in one view and take required action to improve building performance or occupant comfort and safety. Cross connection and pollination of data makes a plethora of use cases possible that is unimaginable with data from a single sensor.

5. What do you think are the major pitfalls to avoid in a smart building implementation?

Many smart building implementations go off the rails because of scope creep or trying to accomplish too much at once. The best smart building projects look at a handful of key objectives that will have rapid measurable results.  By selecting key use cases that solve high value building challenges, you can obtain early ROI success and the overall project will build momentum from all the various participants and fuel future successes. 

6. What are key considerations for owners to ensure the long-term success of their smart building project?

Owners should ensure that they select partners that have a proven track record of working well with others.  As each smart building is unique, so will be the solution and mix of vendors, sensors companies and software partners.  We cannot anticipate what future solutions may look like, so having a flexible and agile platform will allow for future growth and new integrations.

IoT Data Lakes - Interview with Rafi Dowla

Rafi Dowla

Cofounder & CTO, PremiseHQ

Rafi is a serial entrepreneur with 15 years of international experience in innovation, technology and cloud strategy. Consulted and provided strategic solutions to fortune 500 companies both in the United States and Canada. With that knowledge and experience created an Agile and Cloud first bigdata and cloud platform that enables businesses to get off the ground faster and be nimble enough to adopt changes incredibly fast. Actively contributed to Open Source community, member of Angel Investor groups in Toronto. Specialty: Real estate solution, Cross-platform Solution Architecture, System Analysis, Business Analysis, Project management, IoT, Smart and Digital Building Platforms, Data Lake and Deep Learning / Machine Learning / AI. 

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Build a smart and scalable architecture with MYTHINGS

How IoT Occupancy Sensors Elevate Tenant Wellbeing – An Interview with Xandar Kardian

Occupancy Sensors

BehrTech Blog

IoT Occupancy Sensors: How CRE Companies Can Elevate Tenant Wellbeing

An interview with Sam Yang, Managing Director, Xandar Kardian


Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the focus on tenant comfort and wellbeing had taken the spotlight in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector in recent years. Realizing that people are the greatest asset in the built environment, companies and owners have turned to IoT and smart building technology to enable a healthy, comfortable and productive environment. Now, the pandemic is rapidly expediting this trend on a global scale. This week on the blog we interview Sam Yang, Managing Director and Cofounder of Xandar Kardian, to share how CRE companies are leveraging IoT occupancy sensors to improve health and wellness. 

[bctt tweet=”From elevators and lobbies to individual desks and public bathrooms, IoT occupancy sensors are revolutionizing health and wellness in smart buildings.”]

1. Tell us about Xandar Kardian. What is your focus and vision in the smart building space?

Michelin 3-star dishes starts with incredibly fresh and high-quality ingredients before chefs start working up their magic with spices and sauces. In the same way, Xandar Kardian believes that all smart building “solutions” must start with the most accurate, reliable, and real-time data before analytics and conclusions are derived from it. That is our focus. Making sure that true presence detection is obtained via human vital sign rather than heat sources or large motions. Occupancy (people) counting is also done by body motion index rather than complicated computer vision processing that are limited to doorways and environmental factors.

2. How do see the changing commercial real estate (CRE) landscape in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?

In the pre-COVID-19 era, true 99.9% human presence sensing may have been considered overkill by some. However, in recent months, we have seen a rise in demand for true occupancy as false vacancy can create increased disinfection costs. For example, most room or desk occupancy sensors still uses PIR motion technology to detect presence. The problem with these sensors is that they are triggered easily. They are not able to truly detect vacancy if the occupant does not make a large motion. Due to this limitation, 15 or 30-minute timers are placed to keep the space “occupied” with the assumption that the occupant will make a large motion at least once during that time. If however, someone enters a room (or desk) for two seconds (triggering the sensor) and leaves right away, lights and HVAC will start running for 30 minutes while an alert is sent to janitorial services to come and disinfect the area. With Xandar Kardian, vacancy is detected within seconds since it is continuously scanning for human vital signs in each space. This means that true detection, vacancy and dwell time are obtained.

This is just one example of how we are seeing CRE companies take another look at the accuracy of occupancy sensing – not just in detecting occupancy but also in detecting vacancy.

3. Tell us about the different IoT occupancy sensors Xandar Kardian offers.

Room / Open Space Presence Detection:  One sensor can cover up to 600 sq. ft of space. The sensor can be placed anywhere – walls, pillars, ceilings or even behind ceiling panels, making it 100% discrete. It continuously sends out safe low-RF signals to obtain vital signs (micro-vibrations) from human occupants, making it a 99.9% accurate occupancy and vacancy.

Desk Occupancy Sensor:  Small USB-C or battery driven sensors are placed underneath the desks. This sensor detects presence over a short range (4-6 feet) via breathing pattern detection from the occupant. This sensor can also be used on top of individual toilet stalls to get individual stall occupancy sensing within bathrooms.

In/Out Occupancy Foot Traffic Counting:  Installed over doorways, our In/Out counting solution is highly accurate (90+%) and is not affected by temperature, humidity or lighting conditions. This makes the system the most reliable system on the market and can be used in main entrance/exit doors of a building.

 IoT Occupancy Sensing-Foot Traffic Counting

Zone People Counting:  This is a unique, globally exclusive solution by Xandar Kardian. It scans an area (up to 600 sq.ft) continuously for body motion. Occupants can even be sitting down or standing still. This sensor can be installed anywhere – including on a side of a wall, which makes it ideal to be able to count occupancy in large shopping malls or airports where ceilings are very high. In meeting rooms or classroom settings, zone counting sensors can be combined with In/Out counting to get accurate counting but also to correct miss counts by scanning the entire zone. Miss counts can “lock up” rooms as even 1 miss count leaving the space can falsely claim the room is still occupied.

4. What role can IoT occupancy sensors play in CRE companies’ initiatives to safeguard tenant health and comfort following business reopening?

Density management and controlled disinfection protocols are extremely important to safeguard tenant’s health and comfort. At the same time, these sensors need to be affordable enough to be used building wide.

Ground floor: Building entrances require In/Out counting to get real-time total building occupancy measurements. Many camera-based systems require physical maintenance and consume more operating costs. It is also affected by changing environmental and lighting conditions throughout the day. Our solutions are not affected by these conditions at all and is ideal for main entrance counting.

Elevators & Elevator lobbies:
Many CRE operators have voiced their concern over elevator and elevator lobby density control measures. Any type of cameras, including IR based ones simply cannot be used to count occupancy inside elevators. Elevators have glasses or stainless-steel walls to help ease claustrophobic conditions. These walls however cause havoc to camera (image) based systems due to image reflections. For elevator lobbies, since all cameras or IR based systems count occupancy via “doors” only, you would need multiple sensors as each elevator represents a door. Miss-counts can also occur which can start stacking occupancy counts throughout the day. With Xandar Kardian, you would only need to place 1 sensor per elevator or elevator lobby on each floor to get the full count. Continuous counting without any counting errors.

Public bathrooms:
Having a camera installed above bathroom doors will not be widely accepted by many tenants. Our sensors have no holes and is designed to look like a network hub. When combined with a zone counting solution, you will also get auto-correction for potential miss counts (in/out) and ensure vacancy status. Real-time bathroom occupancy,  including bathroom stalls, can be displayed outside via a wall-mounted display.

5. Do occupancy sensors help to improve other aspects of building operations as well? If so, how?

Prior to COVID-19, our solutions were being deployed into airports and banks for security purposes while shopping malls and office buildings were using it for space utilization and energy saving benefits. In fact, on energy savings, a pilot run on a 24,000 sq. ft office space in Toronto revealed savings of $14,000 per floor per year using Xandar Kardian solutions.

6. What are the key connectivity requirements for occupancy sensors in smart buildings?

Our solutions were originally running on POE / Wi-Fi connection while conducting various pilots around the world. However, for building-wide deployments, it was imperative that we work on secure LPWAN connection. Therefore we partnered with BehrTech to embed their MYTHINGS wireless connectivity solution into our sensors.

7. With so much data being harvested, how can we make sure tenants’ privacy is not compromised?

Xandar Kardian exclusively uses radar sensors only. With radar sensor, it is not possible to individually identify anyone. Many competitors use some sort of images – either 3D vision, mono-vision or IR thermal vision. To ensure tenant’s privacy, expensive base servers are required to conduct on-premise image processing before sending data to the cloud. We do not require this step as it does all processing on the edge using an MCU on board. This also means that Xandar Kardian solutions can be complete off-grid and only feed occupancy data via a closed loop network on premise. “Presence detection via vital sign” have raised questions about privacy concerns in the past. However, unless specifically requested by the tenant, we do not collect or record any vital sign data. It just gets “0” or “1” for occupancy and vacancy.

8. Beyond the current pandemic, what should companies consider in their smart building strategy moving forward?

“Health & Wellness” has become extremely important for everyone around the world. In fact, stress & fatigue monitoring of occupants can help automate fresh air intake, HVAC temperature control and lighting controls to promote a better, more efficient work environment. Xandar Kardian is currently pending FDA 510(k) clearance for its non-contact, continuous and automatic vital sign monitoring solution. Although this has been developed exclusively for hospitals and senior nursing homes, it can also be used in any work environments to obtain health and wellness conditions for the occupants.

Occupancy Sensors

Sam Yang

Managing Director & Cofounder, Xandar

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Build an End-to-End Occupancy Sensing Network with MYTHINGS

IoT Scalability Issues: 5 Essential Considerations

IoT Scalability Issues: 5 Essential Considerations

BehrTech Blog

IoT Scalability Issues: 5 Essential Considerations


There’s a lot that goes into getting an IoT project off the ground, but it doesn’t always result in success. Indeed, the new IoT Signals report by Microsoft found out that nearly one-third of projects fail in the proof-of-concept (PoC) stage. Various technical and organizational factors weigh in, but the leading cause pertains to the inability to justify the cost of scaling IoT.  

It goes without saying that there’s a huge difference in deploying and managing a few devices versus thousands or even tens of thousands of devices. A PoC certainly helps bring all the moving pieces together to get the first big picture of the overall solution. Still, many technical requirements for overcoming IoT scalability issues in the future might not be considered even when the PoC turns out to be a successThe transition from PoC to full-scale roll-out can only come off, if scalability is planned from day one. 

Technical complexity is one of the greatest IoT scalability issuesAs such, choosing the right technology with the right architecture is paramount to safeguard the long-term viability of your connected system. In this blog, we discuss five essential considerations you should look into when planning for large-scale IoT implementation.  

[bctt tweet=”Choosing the right technology with the right architecture is paramount to safeguard the long-term viability of your connected system.”]

1. Large Wireless System Capacity  

With the breakneck speed of innovation that’s happening in the IoT space, you want to make sure your wireless system can nimbly accommodate a fast-growing number of endpoints that arrive down the line. Such network expansion must not come at the cost of message delivery and Quality-of-Service, especially when it comes to mission-critical commercial and industrial use casesThe underlying wireless technology largely dictates this.  

The massive deluge of data traffic imposes great bandwidth challenges, as devices within and across systems vie for their place in the radio spectrum. Dependable indicators like thnumber of daily messages that can be handled per gateway can help you evaluate the scalability of a wireless solution. Concurrently, with sub-GHz radio technology, you can segregate IoT networks from other 2.4 GHz legacy systems to mitigate jitter and congestion issues. Above all, a solution purpose-built for interference immunity is key to overcoming IoT scalability issues pertaining to reliable network operation in a crowded spectrum.

2. Simplified Network Planning and Setup 

Piggybacking back on the previous point, many wireless technologiemight promise to support thousands of devices per gateway. Still, reality could look very differentAs soon as a large number of endpoints need to be integrated, the complexity in network planning and configuration can quickly inflate to the point of being unmanageable. This challenge often comes with multi-hop mesh solutions 

Given the short radio range of many mesh protocols, you need to ensure devices are well distributed and repeaters are employed as required for the transmission link to work. Adding moving nodes can further make network performance unpredictable. And troubleshooting is especially challenging due to the complex traffic flows. If you want your IoT at scale with minimum complications, a star topology network is most likely in your best interest. 

3. Interoperable Architecture  

Each IoT system is a mashup of heterogeneous components and technologies. This diversity makes interoperability a prerequisite for IoT scalability, to avoid being saddled with an obsolete system that fails to keep pace with new innovation later onBy designing interoperable architecture from the get-go, you can counter fragmentation and reduce the integration costs of your IoT project in the long run. 

Today, technology standards exist to foster horizontal interoperability by fueling global cross-vendor support through robust, transparent and consistent technology specifications. For example, a standard-based wireless protocol allows you to benefit from a growing portfolio of off-the-shelf hardware across industry domains. When it comes to vertical interoperability, versatile APIs and open messaging protocols act as the glue to connect the edge network with a multitude of value-deriving backend applications. Leveraging these open interfaces, you can also scale your IoT deployment across locations and seamlessly aggregate data across premises.  

4. Remote Network and Device Management  

As the network quickly growsa manual approach to deploying, managing and maintaining devices simply won’t cut it. Not to mention, many devices are deployed at remote, far-flung or attended locations where technicians or employees often don’t set foot in. For successful IoT scalability, network and device management can’t be seen as an afterthought; it’s must be planned from the outset. 

There are various aspects that play into the optimal health, security and connectivity of individual devices and the overall network. How can large batches of devices be provisioned efficiently and securely? Is authentication natively built into the provisioning process? Can I easily configure and update field devices from afar? How can I troubleshoot network and device issues? What does the end of life management process look like? These are just a few out of numerous questions to be answered 

In addition to a comprehensive strategy and careful planning, you’ll need a powerful network and device management tool to better streamline and automate the management process 

5. Flexible and Scalable Software Infrastructure 

The cloud is probably on the radar of almost every company that looks to collect and process massive IoT data streams. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should transfer all processing work to the cloud. In many scenarios, a combination of cloud and edge/on-prem deployment is called into action to strike the right balance between scale, cost, latency and data privacy. With that in mind, you want to make sure your connected system can support such hybrid workflows and enable seamless migration from the edge to the cloud.  

Whether you want to build you own IoT software and applications, outsource these from third-party vendors, or opt for a combination of bothmicroservices and container-based design is the way to go. In the DevOps world, containerized applications have been a great success story due to their modular, resource-efficient and platform-agnostic nature. This makes them as well a perfect fit for a hybrid IoT architecture where individual service containers can be deployed independently in any compute environment – be it an edge gateway, an on-prem server or a cloud platform. Plus, leveraging modern container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, you can easily deploy, manage and scale the software to adapt to changing needs. 

Scaling an IoT deployment can be a challenging and intimidating endeavour, but don’t let this put you off harnessing the enormous opportunities IoT has to offer. While the five criteria discussed above by no means represent an exhaustive list, they can serve as a useful baseline to help you avoid the common IoT scalability issues and start architecting an infrastructure that can grow with your IoT requirements. 


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Overcome IoT Scalability Issues with MYTHINGS

Smart Building Technology: Regaining Trust in a Post COVID-19 World

Smart Building Technology for COVID 19

BehrTech Blog

Smart Building Technology: Regaining Trust in a Post COVID-19 World


The global pandemic has shaken up the entire world and fundamentally disrupted our daily work and life. Home offices have become the new normal as a radical measure to curb the spread of COVID 19. Yet, as office and retail buildings start to reopen following the lockdowns, property owners and corporate tenants are forced to rethink the way buildings are operated. Above all, delivering peace-of-mind and confidence to employees and visitors alike is a top priority. Thankfully, smart building technology is here to help.

[bctt tweet=”How CRE companies respond to the changing workplace and retail landscape is paramount to the future health and well-being of occupants.”]

The Changing Landscape of the Built Environment

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the focus on tenant comfort and wellbeing had taken the spotlight in the commercial real estate (CRE) sector in recent years. Realizing that people are the greatest asset in the built environment, companies and owners have turned to IoT and smart building technology to enable a healthy, comfortable and engaging environment. Now, the pandemic is rapidly expediting this trend on a global scale.

As firms increasingly embrace home office and other flexible work arrangements, many predict that the physical workplace will lose its relevance. This is hugely mistaken. The modern workplace will indeed need to be redesigned to keep pace with drastically changing tenant needs. Nevertheless, its presence and importance aren’t going to fizzle out any time soon. A recent survey by Gensler reveals that after a month of working from home, the majority of U.S. workers want to return to the office most days of the week. Collaboration and socialization top the reasons for this response, highlighting the irreplaceable role of physical connections and interaction.

Rebuilding Trust – A New Imperative for CRE

As much as people yearn to come back to their workplaces or start going shopping again, they are faced with the vast unknown of the current reality. Are building areas sanitized as frequently as needed? Is indoor air quality optimized? How can distancing be guaranteed? These are just a few out of numerous questions many are pondering. As companies begin to put in place reopening plans, they are tasked with a difficult mission – restoring trust and confidence in the built environment for every individual user.

Enter IoT and Smart Building Technology

A data-driven strategy for building operations is nothing unfamiliar to forward-thinking CRE companies who look to improve facility management and energy efficiency through digitalization. Today, it proves to be just as powerful in helping to navigate and tackle the unique challenges of a post-pandemic world. Smart building technology, especially IoT and wireless sensor solutions, are allowing owners and operators to effectively enforce new building guidelines and protocols, ensuring optimal ventilation, hygiene, distancing and tenants’ wellbeing.

To better illustrate, below are a few examples of how wireless IoT sensors can help answer the urgent need to augment safety and mitigate infection risks following reentry.

Anonymous presence detectors and people counting sensors can gauge occupancy density and dwell time in common areas, as well as foot traffic through each door. With this information, operators can detect existing hot spots or events like occupants tailgating at entrances/ exits and control access accordingly.

Applying space usage data, operators can execute on-demand janitorial services such as cleaning and consumables replenishment to maximize hygiene at high resource efficiency.

Coupling real-time data from indoor air quality sensors with traffic density information, ventilation requirements can be effectively determined to minimize airborne transmission risk.

Vital sign monitoring sensors help monitor employees’ physiological parameters, including respiration rate and resting heart rate to detect early signs of respiratory disorders.

Leveraging IoT Sensor Data to Enhance Transparency and Tenants’ Peace-of-Mind

IoT data empowers owners and operators with a holistic facility view to optimize workflows and standard operating procedures for a safe and anti-virus indoor environment. Nevertheless, its value doesn’t simply end there. Safeguarding health is fundamental, but making sure employees and visitors feel comfortable enough for reentry is just as important. By democratizing sensor data and making it accessible to individual building users in an anonymous and non-intrusive way, companies can make great strides in regaining tenants’ trust.

Experience/ workplace apps have been around for some time as a communications channel with building occupants to boost engagement and retention. Now, their role and functionality are elevated with real-time insights and enhanced visibility brought by wireless IoT sensors. Having up-to-date information about building-wide occupancy levels, air quality and other important parameters at their fingertips, tenants can rest assured that their presence in the indoor space is being well protected. Through push notifications, they can also be instantly informed when traffic thresholds at certain common areas are surpassed and easily navigate themselves to less crowded zones. What’s more, with reservation systems integrated into these apps, employees can quickly locate and reserve workstations or meeting rooms that have already been disinfected and are available for use. Ultimately, all of these services are poised to foster transparency and tenants’ confidence in the built environment while further facilitating physical distancing enforcement.

Future Outlook

As the world cautiously restarts its business rhythm, it’s critical for CRE companies to not only ensure occupants’ health and wellbeing, but also make them feel safe when entering stores and offices again. Incorporating smart building technology into their reopening toolkits can help to do just that.

Having said that, the applicability of smart building solutions isn’t only limited to combatting the post-pandemic challenges. Beyond catering to today’s imminent needs, the same IoT sensor data can be used for other long-term business initiatives in improving space efficiency, risk management and employees’ productivity and satisfaction. In parallel, a future proof wireless IoT technology allows companies to ceaselessly expand the use case and value spectrum by adding new smart devices into the existing network infrastructure. After all, it boils down to a solid underlying strategy and selecting the right set of technologies.


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